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Top 43 “SMB Tech” go-to-market resources

As LionBird was developing its investment thesis on “Digital Business Services”, I read everything I could get my hands on related to the space. Specifically, for startups serving the generally overwhelmed, unsophisticated and squeezed for cash SMB segment, I…

How to Create a Winning Startup Idea

Posted by Jillian Campbell

We turn to industry publications to defog the methods by which entrepreneurs turn good ideas into successful companies — but what about the ideas themselves? How do you come up with an idea? How do you know what…

The Snap of the Crowdfunding Trap

In a previous post, I outlined what it is that lures so many entrepreneurs and startups into the “Crowdfunding Trap” — the place where you think you’ve caught the big prize but later find out you’ve gotten yourself stuck. In this post, we’ll examine what makes you get

Why University-Based Startups Are a Smart Investment

As the executive director of the Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley, which recently won the MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how universities can be “value added.” What can…

7 Reasons Why Startup Funding Announcements Are Overrated

Maybe you read about Localeur’s recent funding or saw the SEC filing.

I didn’t want to publicize this. I didn’t send a press release or reach out to any members of the media with a sense of urgency to…

The Hult Prize launches @ The University of Sydney | Teams could win $1,000,000

Participation in the Hult Prize will allow young entrepreneurs to “realise viable long-term career options” in “social enterprise 2.0”, according to the University of Sydney Campus Director of…

Six Crucial Ingredients to Develop Awesome Messaging

In working with dozens of startups, messaging is one of the most challenging things to tackle.

Creating a core story that explains what a startup does, who it serves and why what it does matters is, in theory, a…

Azure experts wanted…now!

Ok, here’s the deal. GSOFT, a Montreal based company, identified a couple of brains and challenged us to create a software solution in only 2 weeks. As one of the teams with the highest potential, we’ve been sent to Prague to work on our project. Isn’t it exciting? It’s also a huge…

Wunderless: Opportunity Cost Traveling

Presentation Deck for Investors: www.dropbox.com/s/jxlprq8a1znb1me/WL_PitchDeck_Final.pdf?dl=0

But if you’re looking for an entertaining background story to go along with the deck, continue reading. We won’t disappoint.

#1 on Product Hunt. 1 year later.

Setting the stage

Chris Turner and I are the co-founders of a startup called Tenrocket, which we started about 2 1/2 years ago. We build web and mobile apps for startups in 10 days for 10k, and we’ve launched close to 40 startups…

Sporte — A Quick Rundown

Very recently our team completed a sports lighting project for the University of Queensland’s tennis facilities…

5 Benefits Of Receiving Services From A Ship Store Supplier

A ship store supplier or ship’s chandler is a merchant who supplies goods for ships. A ship store supplier provides goods for the ship’s store. They keep a wide variety of things in their stock including galley supplies…

8 Creative Uses for a Kanban CRM

One of the things I love most about the ActiveCampaign CRM is that it is organized in a Kanban view. Kanban is a method of organizing a process based on cards organized in columns. At the simplest, a Kanban board consists of a To Do column, a Doing column, and a Done…

The Identity Crises of Founders

This was originally published on Entrepreneur.com as “The Identity Crises of Entrepreneurs”, and after reading Alexis Tryon’s awesome post, “Introducing myself has never been this hard.”, it seemed worthwhile to share a version here.

I met Esther Dyson: Angel investor, author and backup cosmonaut — part I

I sat down with Esther Dyson, a world leading angel investor, to learn something about her top investments and trends, mainly in eastern Europe.

A Chat w/ Startup Grind Birmingham

We sat down with the Organizer for Startup Grind Birmingham — Bay Shaffer — to find out what led him to launch this Google for Entrepreneurs program here. Shaffer was quick to reply, “Global impact,” stressing that “the reach of the community is astounding. There are…

Relaunch of the StartupSense podcast

I’m super excited to be relaunching my Startup Sense podcast this week. It’s been 18 months since I did my last interview/episode and I miss it…plus I keep getting messages from people asking me to bring it back. I did 76 episodes from 2012–2014 before shutting it…

Keeping Sane on the Startup Rollercoaster

One of the most important things that I’ve learned in the three years that I’ve been working on our startup, AtmaGo, is that it really is a rollercoaster ride. I’ve heard this many times before from experienced entrepreneurs, but nothing can really prepare…

ACCT 311 Final Exam Answers

ACCT 311 Final Exam Answers


ACCT 311 Final Exam Answers

  1. XYZ Company sells appliance service contracts agreeing to repair appliances