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5 insights into the Nordics SaaS and software landscape

After France, we’re continuing our tour of the different European SaaS landscapes with the Nordics region — Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland. In an attempt to get a global picture of this ecosystem we’ve listed 200+ SaaS…

How to generate 10 demos per week with sales outreach

A few months ago, at Gorgias, we decided it was time to open up our beta program to more companies. Therefore, we started looking for companies that we thought could be a good fit for our product. Here’s the method and the tools we used

Connecting the Dots: Team Structure and the Modern Org Chart

This week on our Org Designer Slack channel, a conversation came up about how to best organize teams and depict organizational structure. These questions have been around since at least 1855, when the New York and Erie…

3 Questions with a Tech Lady: Youngna Park, Head of Product at Tinybop

Interview by Allison Grinberg-Funes

Do when doing is cheap. Stop when it’s expensive.

Last week Leo published a great article about Startup Cargo Cults. Here’s a snippet:

Our brains are wired to take examples of success and extract “lessons” from them, but these lessons often range between innocuously…

Join us at The Next Billion in San Francisco

Since we launched Quartz four years ago, we’ve been convinced that the extension of internet access around the world is among the most important phenomena of our day. And since 2013 we’ve been convening top thinkers and executives around this theme to…

Budgeting For Your App Idea

Through our previous story So, you want to build an app , you may have ironed out the details of how to make it work for you and your tech team. The next step would be budgeting for your app.

Fast Forward Demo Day: Y-Combinator, but with Purpose at Its Core

Fast Forward was founded in 2014 to bring the same level of support found in for-profit incubators and accelerators to tech non-profits. The firm provides its members with grants, pro-bono support, and a network of…

Startup We’re Going Down Swinging

— From our co-founder, Nathan, founder of Gamer Duel.

If you’ve ever heard me talk at a tech event in the city you know I’m the first one to complain about the glorification of failure in tech — so before we get into the story let’s get this one…

Hitch Product Update: Week 39-2016

At Hitch, we like to share what we are working on so we can get feedback as early as possible. This…

A post inspired by a Product Hunt Q&A — Advice for Startup Founders

Recently the excellent team at Product Hunt facilitated a Q&A with a variety of questions for a bunch of successful entrepreneurs like Lori Greiner, Dave McClure & Jason Calacanis. It’s a great read and I…

Steve Blank depresses me

This summer I started working on Median.fit. Great idea: Analyze data from your fitness trackers. Started coding.

Know About The Life of Toby Larocque — A Successful Entrepreneur

Toby Larocque is an entrepreneur who is better known for business skills through which he took many businesses from bottom to the top. He has seen many ups and downs in his life which made him a strong man. When it…