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(before) Growth

Many of us are familiar with the Startup=Growth mantra. Companies taking on venture capital are expected to grow fast. Growing fast might mean many things. In the SaaS world the conventional wisdom is that revenue should grow at least double digit month over month. This comes as a surprise to many…

Register a company in Nigeria with the CAC

This blog post will walk you through the step-by-step process on how to register a company in Nigeria with the CAC. (You can even do it yourself. But if you need help, we’re more than happy to assist!)

Answer HN : Growing a side-project

There was a recent Ask HN thread recently about how to market and grow a side project. I posted a comment offering to chat with any entrepreneurs who’s like to have an ear to bounce off their ideas.

Jama Ambassadors Wanted: Please Get In Touch!

Jama — www.getjama.com is a mobile solution that combines mobile and web applications to enable organisations unlock real-time market data leveraging the power of mobile phones for greater insight. Individuals who sign up as Jamans will earn a…

#37 You’ve Got Mail

Parabol Friday Ship 21-Oct-2016

Parabol makes agile teaming software everybody can use. Each week we share our progress in a “Friday Ship”. Follow along as we evolve by subscribing here.

Política de Privacidad.

El sitio web www.keyslideapp.com (en adelante, el “Sitio Web”) y la aplicación KEYSLIDE son propiedad de JAVIER IGNACIO LUZ VALENCIA DESARROLLO Y SOLUCIONES WEB E.I.R.L., con RUT 76.519.087–8 (en adelante la “EMPRESA”) y con dirección en Avenida Jorge Kenrick 780, Valparaíso.

Mis 5 favoritos de la semana 24

#1 Ante los cambios, encontrados o provocados

Al escuchar una presentación de raquel valverde esta semana, donde podía solo pensar en tantas cosas que vienen y cómo estos cambios y retos me emocionan, apareció esta…

How we went from 49 beta users to 1500.

Some hacks we use at Neety.email to achieve that in 2 weeks.

When Free Your Inbox V1 (former name of Neety.email) went online, we were so happy. It’s a very particular feeling to launch a web…

These 5 Universities Are Amazing Platforms To Launch Student Startups

By Pat Fredshaw:

Of course, universities are some of the best places to be if you want to start a startup. For, not only are they full of bright young people, willing to take risks…

Disruptive Thinking

Yesterday I was on the Red Hat Forum 2016, here in Mexico City. In the first conference was Uri Levine, who is Founder of…

Gymshark Changing the Trend of Flex Leggings

Do you know that average number of people who go to gym is 58,000,000 and they people always find the perfect gym accouterments to make their gyming experience completely top-notch. May be you are one of those people who are crazy about their gyms and…

‘Unbored Treasure Hunt’ Sparks Imagination and Creativity

by Caitlin Fitzpatrick Curley

We are a game loving family and we cannot resist a new find. Today, I’m going to tell you about a new favorite game in our closet: Unbored Treasure Hunt.

Made with passion in BLR — The Film

After we finished the first season of the ‘denture Capital’ show, we decided to do something with…

FreeHosting.host — High-quality Web hosting for free

best web hosting

Your internet site is going to be accomplished and you are prepared to start it quickly. Your future problem is locating a good web host and here you are experience a tad held back with feelings…

¡Al diablo los unicornios! Yo quiero al menos un burro que me ayude a trabajar y a vivir
Germán Castaño

Pues qué excelente analogía que hiciste mi estimado Germán, además de la documentación bien presentada y al grano (y).

Después de haber leído tu artículo, ¿sabes qué? ¡Yo también quiero a un burro! Dado que como bien explicas NO deseo convertir mi #Startup en un ser mitológico e ilusorio, sino más bien en acciones que…

From a “Proper Job” to Indie — Part 4: Assemble your Team

“From a ‘Proper Job’ to Indie” is a series of articles that describe what it was like going from Full Time employment into the world of Indie Development. Last time I talked about the game-related elements I focused on early in…

Why we’re building Huttle.co, a new community for career help

Determining a career path and getting that first job after college can be a pretty lonely experience. Life after college is a seismic-shift, and everyone’s path is at least a little windy. Just knowing where and how to get…