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Great companies [will] come from Central Eastern Europe

Great companies can come from anywhere. Niklas Zennström, founder of Skype, Kazaa, Atomico Ventures.

Most of the capital today is still deployed in the world’s few largest hubs: Silicon Valley (40%) and China…

Beehive Startups disappoints me.

Clint (eic of beehive startups) and I were talking on Twitter. I said I felt like Beehive Startups wasn’t doing it’s part to help entrepreneurs, and felt instead like it was posting mostly conferences, funding announcements, and other ‘inbound’ stories that are markedly…

Product Management in 100 words

Prioritize. Have strong opinions, weakly held. Plug the gaps. Launch and iterate. Know the user. People > products. Create team culture. Always overcommunicate. Work with people whose strengths and weaknesses complement your own. Take good notes. Your calendar is sacred…

How many of you quit your jobs to become entrepreneur & regretted?

And how I answered that question.

I am one among that group. I worked for 9 years.

The New Estimote // 新しいビーコン

DGI投資先のEstimote(エスティモート)がJapan IT Weekに参加するため短期間ですが 10/24〜10/26に東京へ来ます。Esimoteを使ってプロダクト開発をしてみたいなどあれば、お気軽にお問い合わせください。



McBot Cupons um chatbot que te traz cupons — e te ajuda a economizar 💸 $150++

10 tools that will change how you fundraise

For most startups, fundraising is a complicated and unpleasant task. The…

The Lean Startup — Making an MVP

In the previous post I introduced the Lean Startup Mentality and why it is so important. This time…

1776 In the News

It’s been a fantastic few weeks for some of 1776’s great member companies!


CommonLit, a tech non-profit based in Washington, D.C., scored a $3.9 million grant from the Department of Education that will allow CommonLit to further…

Live Fantasy Sport App Ballr select realtime technology provider Ably in a new era of fan engagement

Mobile fan engagement technology company Ballr have selected realtime messaging provider Ably to deliver a new level of fan engagement to sport fans all over…

Startup Chica Spotlight: Erin Lynn Young, Slide UX

Erin Lynn Young is the Founder and User Experience Architect of Slide UX, an Austin-based consultancy that helps product teams and marketers create digital products that are useful, usable, good-looking, and optimized. Slide UX now employs a

Fuck You Startup World
Shem Magnezi

I am CEO of dmsales.com sales intelligence and automation SAAS using big data and marketing automation to help the other to grow. Since I have started my project I am asking myself for my motivation. I fully support the autor, in one thing. There is alyways choice to make — life with family and kids or startup world — community. Thanks to social…

What do I regret doing as a Product Manager

This week was the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. It is a custom to look back in retrospect of the year that has ended and prepare one’s heart and state of mind towards a new and better year. 
So I first started writing about all the things I regret

The Easy Road Travelled

Startups are businesses. Why do some people seem to forget that? Especially the people running them.

Not just ordinary businesses, but business at the hardest point in any journey; the start; where every minute, every hour, every day is valuable and…

A Gloriosa Historia de Como Cheguei à Nuvem

Em maio de 2016 comecei junto com um grupo muito massa de pessoas a VCore, uma StartUp focada em investimentos automatizados em BitCoin. De lá pra cá o nosso problema sempre foi a capacidade computacional para rodar nosso algoritmo.

Attending Infiniti’s Accelerator 2.0 Demo Day

If there was one phrase well repeated at last night’s Infiniti & Nest Ideas Demo Day Event— it was this: Wow, how far we have come. Ongoing conversations, from startups & mentors alike, circled around how evolutionary the Infiniti Accelerator 2.0…

Come to a SaaStr Fireside Chat and Meet-Up with Startup Grind on November 1st

(Originally published on SaaStr — more on that here.)

Derek Andersen and Startup Grind are hosting me/SaaStr on November 1st in SOMA at Pivotal Labs at 875 Howard. Derek…

ScreenCloud October 2016

In September the ScreenCloud team rolled out our most requested feature yet — content zoning. We’ve also been talking a lot about our vision, designing great digital signage content and our favourite subject — food! Dig in below.

Insights from VentureCrushATX

Mistakes Startups Make: Part Two

Top-ranked law firm, Lowenstein Sandler hosted a Mistakes Startups Make panel at Umbel’s office in Austin, TX, featuring panelists Jon Bassett, Kin Gill, Kathi Rawnsley, Steve Sachs, Valeska Pederson Hintz and myself…

Forging the Empire: Eight Roads exits Innogames

It’s with enormous pleasure that today we announce another great exit. This time it’s InnoGames — the global developer and publisher of online and browser free-to-play games to media giant MTG , in what we understand to be the most highly valued…