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Slack for the Family

Working at a startup that builds on top of Slack’s platform, I have a ton of experience with Slack. There are integrations…

Slack — L2 Edition

Slack is one my favorite reasons of why I love working at startups. As a disclaimer, these slack conversations are posted by my own volition. The tech team works extraordinarily hard and are exceptional at what they do. Without further ado, here are my favorite slack conversations at work that…

saying goodbye to my startup

So, we sold Diverse Solutions for a second time, but this time I had to say goodbye. Diverse Solutions is small real estate tech company founded in 2005. I was the first employee. It’s been eleven years but it feels like we founded DS yesterday.

Omnibank is still alive and kicking!

UPDATE 03/17: Omnibank is now renamed ibanity for compliance reasons, you can read why in our latest story.

Omnibank aims at providing software developers an API to access bank information. Getting hooked up to your data shouldn’t take more

Hé Newspresso, what’s up?

Er zat geen Newspresso in je inbox vanochtend. Misschien viel het je op, dacht je: ‘WTF, wáár is mijn shot nieuws’, en ben je al een paar uur chagrijnig. Ik hoop het. Sorry, in dat geval.

What Founders Should Expect from Pre-Seed Investors

In May, we posted about the various characteristics and actions we expect from Founders at the pre-Seed stage. We described the size of the raise needed ($250–750K) to attract talent, explore a market insight, approach product/market fit…

Start With Why

We’re currently doing a redesign of our website and we’re working hard to nail down the copy first. We want to clearly define what we are going to say before starting work on the design. The visual design is how we present our ideas, and we want to start with the foundation of a strong message.

Peergrade Launch

There have been a number of changes in the past few months and for those of you who haven’t heard, our team has more than doubled…

#35 Aphrodite

Parabol Friday Ship 7-Oct-2016

Each week Parabol shares its progress in a “Friday Ship”. Follow along as our young software company grows and evolves, by subscribing here.

What Founders Should Expect from Pre-Seed Investors

In May, we posted about the various characteristics and actions we expect from Founders at the pre-Seed stage. We described the size of the raise needed ($250–750K) to attract talent, explore a market insight, approach product/market fit…

Tá sem tempo? Conheça os truques de produtividade de 11 pessoas de sucesso

Por Kathleen Elkins, de CNBC

O número de horas de um dia é limitado. Mesmo assim, algumas pessoas parecem conseguir fazer mais nas 24 horas que têm dos que outras.

The hitchhiker’s guide to the startup scene

First published on September 4, 2016 in Philosophies/Start up by leipglo.com

Over the past two years, I have been part of different groups that you could describe as startups. The self-exploiting outsourced R&D departments of…

MailChimp template for nurturing trial customers with 360º view

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing solutions out there, loved by 12 million subscribers and on target to achieve $400 million revenues in 2016 with 550 people. If you are new to marketing, I would…

👉 It’s always your fault 👈 Nº60 — Cycling, Startups & Sales ✌🏻️

This week I was inspired by a medium post that David Heinemeier Hansson recently wrote. If you don’t know @DHH, he is the creator of Ruby on Rails and Founder & CTO at Basecamp, formerly 37signals). As I used to…