All Stories published by The Awl on February 01, 2011

What To Do With Your Invisibility Cloak

We are one step closer to an invisibility cloak, says Science!

In the past researchers have only been able to “cloak” microscopic objects using extremely complicated physics and so-called meta-materials made on a tiny scale. But a new…

Get Yourself Knocked Up And Parking Is Free

Attention women of New York: How badly do you need a parking spot? “Women having difficult pregnancies would get special parking privileges under a proposal to be introduced this week, according to a New York City Councilman sponsoring the bill. The bill…

John Adams Talks ‘Nixon in China’

Awl pal Seth Colter Walls chats with composer John Adams on the eve of Nixon in China’s Metropolitan Opera premiere. There is video! (Of the production, not of Seth chatting with John Adams.)

New David Lowery Record Streams

Speaking of David Lowery (we were yesterday, remember?), you can hear the entirety of his debut solo album The Palace Guards here.

Sad Story About Weasels Pretty Much That

If you have not yet seen the sad tale of two weasels you can click on that link, but be warned: It is a sad tale of two weasels. It will not make you feel good about people.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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