All Stories published by The Awl on January 23, 2013

Watch Writers Get Rejected In Real Time

4th #millionqueries: far future scifi. begins with rhetorical question (and protag. waking up.) Pass.
— Jennifer Udden (@suddenlyjen) January 23, 2013
10th #millionqueries: literary fiction, story of abuse…

Let’s Tart Up The Moon

“If we can mine asteroids, why not paint the Moon to make it brighter?
— Why not indeed? Let’s make that bitch look like a circus clown that other clowns are like, “Oh my God, how much make-up is that clown wearing, what a CLOWN WHORE.” I’ll trowel on the first coat myself!

ABC Making Me Go Cold Turkey On Krysten Ritter

my beloved fans, sad to confirm that it is true. Don’t Trust the B — — #apt23 has been cancelled. thank you so much for your support i love u
— krysten ritter (@Krystenritter) January 22, 2013

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