All Stories published by The Hairpin on February 07, 2011

Quick Art Quiz

by Bonnie

I’m going to The New Museum later this week where I plan to see, among other things, this painting by George Condo, Spiderwoman. Today I feel sort of like she looks. Parts of me are screwed on wrong. I wore the wrong face and accessorized incorrectly.

Hear Adele’s 21

Adele’s excellent new album 21 (there was a quiz on it the other day) is currently streaming in full over on NPR’s site. Go listen to it!

Sex, the Weather, and You

This snowy weather is making us have more sex, the same amount of sex, or less sex. May we all be on the part of the pie chart we want to be on. Even if it’s just the white part.

Or even if it’s down here, on the light-green part outside of the pie chart.

Walk Briefly

You don’t even have to do anything fancy:

[R]esearchers randomly assigned 120 healthy but sedentary men and…

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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