All Stories published by The Hairpin on July 22, 2011

In Case You Want to Visit Utah, This is How the Liquor Laws Work

Actual reporting courtesy of the New York Times. Other helpful background reading via Jacob Sullum at Reason.

You can’t order a double. (In practice, although it is technically illegal for

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Sutured Infection, for freaky, spooky, often black-and-white pictures of old medical stuff and weird stills and gifs…

The Week of July 18–22

- A Dude inspired some lively commentary, A Queer Chick continues to preach the heart/vagina, and A Clean Person would…

The Birds Are Coming For The Olds

No word on whether the pensioner in question accused a particularly crabby and insensitive bird of being pregnant in public.

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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