All Stories published by The Hairpin on July 26, 2011

Canadians: Not Yet Sexy Enough to Dominate in Mock Trial Summits

From an absurdly touching little piece in today’s Globe and Mail on the plucky team from Mississauga vigorously attempting to overcome a few hundred years of our dry, tightly-reasoned legalistic tradition in order to…

Greening the Affluent: Reports From the Front

After reading our Imagined Inner Monologue yesterday, a friend informed me that she, a reliably honest freelance art journalist, had recently attended an extremely chi chi dinner party with a dozen or so high-net-worth individuals, all of whom were…

Why Can’t We Read the New Alan Hollinghurst Novel Yet?

If you’re not an obsessive fan of The Swimming-Pool Library or The Line of Beauty, you may not be weeping into your Cheerios over this injustice, but it’s completely unfair that The Stranger’s Child, already long-listed for the Booker…

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