Ferrum Network End-Of-Year-Update of 2021

Partnerships. Products. Initiatives. Clients. Presales. Grants. Take a look at everything that Ferrum accomplished during 2021.

Jun H. Lee
6 min readJan 6, 2022


Ferrum Network — End of Year Update for 2021

Dear Ferrum Community,

It is with full and grateful hearts that we usher in 2022! A year that we anticipate to be Ferrum’s breakthrough year.

2021 saw an immense amount of progress at Ferrum. The year began with 4 core team members and has grown to nearly 30 full time employees. Ferrum has now received over $1.5 million in grants and has added over 30 partnerships to the Iron Alliance. With over 150 clients using our products, 2 dozen incubated projects through FAS, and a number of utility driven initiatives, Ferrum is constantly generating revenue, proactively sharing our wealth of knowledge and looking out for our community.

With the advent of the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge, our Gamified Leaderboard, and the foundation of the Ferrum Gateway and the Crucible being laid, we are not slowing down as we enter into the new year. Currently we are working on 8 different network integrations in parallel and finalizing a number of audits that will catapult Ferrum to the next level. All of these advancements are paving the way for what will ultimately become the Ferrum Mainnet.

Stay tuned, Ferrum Community! We could not be more thrilled to have you by our side as we embark on the next chapter of Ferrum Network! Thank you for all of your adamant support.

The following is a list of notable achievements from throughout the year across many different areas of the business.

Products & Initiatives

In 2021 we’ve been working to bring more value to our community of FRM & FRMx holders. We have released the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge and the world’s first white-label bridging solution, among many other creative initiatives’. Check out our extensive list of value add initiatives, and click below to learn more.

Iron Mountain Staking

NFT Iron Ox — 30 minted, 1.5 ETH each

Ferrum Network NFT Division & UREEQA NFTs

Share Your Ferrum Story Contest

New System of Additional Allocations

Migration from BEP2 (Binance) to BEP20 (Binance Smart Chain)

Cross Chain Token Bridge & White Label Solution

Token Burn Initiative (Iron Melt Cornerstone #1)

Token Buybacks Initiative (Iron Melt Cornerstone #2)

Ferrum Experience Series

Marketing Growth Fee

Dynamic Real-Time Roadmap

Introduction of the Leaderboard Competitions

Ferrum Postsales

ZenDesk Help Integration

Preferred Partner DEX

Staking Clients

There have been several different iterations of our staking technology, and we currently have more than 100 different staking clients that use our staking technology with more than $30 million USD in TVL (Total Value Locked). Ferrum has become the industry standard when it comes to staking as a service, and you will be hard-pressed to find a white label staking service that offers such an easily accessible & flexible solution in the cryptocurrency space. Here is a list of some of our staking clients in 2021. Click below to learn more about each project and their staking options.

Project Inverse | BASE Protocol | AMEPAY | Bridge Mutual | DAO Ventures | APYSWAP | Playcent | Defit | Collateral | Mobie | Passive.Income | GreenHeart CBD | Trodl | Yellow Road | SkyX | White Pigeon | NFTmall | FOMO Chronicles | TrustFi | Klear Finance | Signata | MILC | ChainFlowers QANplatform | Duel Network | Signata | Glimpse | Drife | Babylons | Spores Represent DAO | Triall | Ridotto | XCelLab | ProjectX | REALM.ART |
FOMO Chronicles | The HUSL | FIDIRA | BLOCKS | ITSMYNE | DAY BY DAY VODRA | PolkaCity | QuizARENA | eFIN | FNDZ | DarkShield | YouClout | CryptoVsZombie

Token Bridge

We have released the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge and the world’s first white-labeled token bridge. In less than a week of deployment, our first white-label token bridge client has helped set a new record for having over $2 million in transactions using our cross-chain bridge technology. Our team at Ferrum believes that 2022 will be the year when cross-chain bridges start to really take off.

TWO TWO | DEFIT | Project Inverse | RocketVault | Purefi| Spores | bloXmove | Triall | PAID Network| XCelDefi | ISPOLink | Singularity DAO | ShoeFy | VersoView


Ferrum Network has been blessed to have played a role in the success of many promising projects, and incredible teams. In 2021 there have been more than 20 different Presale opportunities to our community of FRM/FRMx holders, with 100x, 70x, and 50x opportunities!

It has been amazing to see so many lives that Ferrum Network has been able to change & empower. We hope more people will be able to benefit from our Presale opportunities in 2022.

Click below to learn more about Ferrum Presales, and to find out how you can get involved in some of our upcoming presales.

Project Inverse | Bondly | Poolz | RocketX | Flourishing Capital | Babylons | YAY Games | GameStation | Revolve Games GovWorld | NetVRK | UREEQA | GOINfluencer | FOMO Chronicles | Talecraft | Lovelace | Hololoot | Marvelous NFTs | Bit Hotel | Teneo | Milestone Based

Grants (+$1.4 million)

Ferrum has received grants from some of the biggest and most promising names in the cryptocurrency industry. This is a testament to Ferrum Network, the quality of our products as well as our services. In 2021 we received more than $1.4 million dollars in grants & funding to develop Ferrum technology, products & services on both EVM and non-EVM compatible networks. Here is a list of the grants that we have received thus far:

Pocket Network


Ferrum has seen an unprecedented amount of ecosystem growth regarding partnerships. Much of Ferrum’s success relies heavily on the success of those individual partners, clients, incubated projects, etc.

The Iron Alliance was founded in Q3 of 2021 in order to create a central avenue of communication that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation. The Iron Alliance consists of industry thought leaders, our partners, and some of our clients. Our community can expect many more partnerships of substance that encourage token utility, growth, revenue in 2022 so stay tuned for our latest updates.

DefiCity | DIA | Lossless | Maven Capital | Synapse | Polygon | Bancor | OpenDAO | Algorand | PAID |Seedify | Unifarm | Numio | InvestDex |
Crystl Finance | Zokyo | Hacken | Faculty | iMe | TruePNL | PolyDoge | bRing.Finance | Revest | ApeSwap | Casper | Pocket Network | Harmony | Dfyn | Router | Chainlink

Ferrum Ventures

Ferrum Ventures has been established in December of 2021, and it is the arm of Ferrum that focuses on growing Ferrum’s investment portfolio. Like everything we do at Ferrum, these investments will be used to help grow and scale the business on a holistic level.

Some of the projects that Ferrum Ventures recently invested include:

Cross Marketing with Gleam Campaigns

Within less than a 3-month time span, we’ve introduced twelve separate gleam campaigns and have sent rewards to 42 different winners. So far more than $14,500 has been given away in the past 3 months with more than 366k unique profile visits, likes & engagements. The Ferrum Team expects to share many more cross-marketing gleam opportunities in 2022.

Bancor | Dfyn | NetVRk | Synapse | Hacken | TruePNL |dotmoov
Revest | Bit Hotel |Seedify | Casper |ApeSwap

Join the Ferrum Network Official Announcements Channel for the latest updates, news & exciting promotions.

Coming Soon

Our next major initiatives? Crucible, the first iteration of the Ferrum Gateway, and v1.2 of the Ferrum Cross-Chain Token Bridge are scheduled to be released in Q1 of 2022. Get ready for a series of tier-one projects being incubated by Ferrum Advisory Services. We couldn’t be more excited about what’s in store for our project and our community in 2022.

Stay tuned!

Very truly yours,

The Ferrum Network Team

Ferrum Network — Social Media

Website | Telegram | Twitter | TikTok | YouTube


A project’s use of Ferrum Technology and/or wallet listing does not constitute an endorsement of that project or its token from an investment standpoint. All projects that use Ferrum Technology and/or listing are clients unless otherwise stated in this disclaimer. Cryptocurrencies, tokens, and other digital assets are high-risk and highly speculative. They may lose their value. All cryptocurrency participants are advised to do their own research before interacting with cryptocurrencies.



Jun H. Lee

Lives to Eat. Breathes Crypto. Reads Books. Studies Markets. Loves Hot Sauce.