July 2022 Topics Recap

Areti Vassou
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2022


What converted into new clients? It was a big surprise for us!

IDEADECO SEO Copywriting team decided to publish 26 new stories on Medium in July 2022. We wanted to see how this (almost) daily content creation strategy would impact our official website traffic.

We received only 2% more new visitors from Medium. But after sharing our Medium stories on Twitter we experienced a notable spike of new visits that reached 28%, on a daily basis. Not from Medium, only from Twitter. It was a big surprise for us!

As you can assume, all the traffic earned from Twitter brought us more new eyes and new clients. We are pleased to announce that 15% of them signed new business contracts. We are grateful to Twitter.

Too many articles and well-respected writers on Medium claim that everyone should use Medium if they wish to expand their business growth, but no one reveals how abstract and not functional this is in real life.

Why should any professional online entrepreneur spend so much time (and effort) on creating new content inside Medium when they receive minimum profit from the platform itself?

Our account belongs to the 95% of content creators earning less than 100$ per month on Medium. Furthermore, not only do we get low visits from the Medium ecosystem but unfortunately networking just doesn't exist here.

Apart from exceptional (and quite rare may I add) sources of information, as a company, and as individuals, we see no financial profit after 5 years of using Medium.

Why do we keep writing new stories? Because we like to create and share our stories. Also, we love to read a bunch of certain authors here. As simple as that.

We have put together a list of all our published stories in July 2022. The asterisk indicates which topics brought huge organic traffic to our website.

IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency in Greece by Areti Vassou


Keep in mind that most articles claiming that they have the golden recipe of “how to earn more money” may not always be accurate because their main goal is to impress the reader and not to inform the reader. So you better run your own experiment if you want to have clean data on your hands.

My 2 cents after running an online business for two decades.



Areti Vassou

Managing Director at IDEADECO SEO Copywriting Agency, providing Content Strategy, SEO, Copywriting, Branding, Email Marketing. www.ideadeco.co