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Life Lessons

Today is a demons day

Befriend them, I said not long ago.
Why not? They’re everywhere around me.
They’re here, 
sitting with me, 
on me…

My Entire Life in One Chart
John Gorman

John Gorman, you get a full 50 for this ridiculously awesome read: A Medium article that was 30 years in the making! =)

And I have to say that between the maps and the stock market, Little Gorman must have been one precocious kid =)

For me, the hardest kind of toxic person to remove was toxic employee.
Michael Shook

I agree Michael Shook that is is Incredibly hard to remove a toxic employee. It requires a ton of coaching and documentation, but it is also incredibly important because if you don’t remove them they will destroy the rest of the team.

Thanks for reading and thanks for your comment.


Life is short

Daily Thought: July 29, 2018

Life is short.

This is such a great article, Steve!


I am happy that you enjoyed this story, and thanks for sharing.


Thoughts become things.
The metaphysics of money.

Very cool topic and title, Mitch!

I can see we think a lot about similar things.

I think this line is spot on.

Our thoughts about reality constitute our perception of it. And it is to this perception of the world that we react.

A few significant barriers for an entrepreneur.

For more why don’t you connect with me on LinkedIn or hire me over at Pearl Lemon FOLLOW ME ON MEDIUM FOR MORE :)

What are the newer roadblocks an entrepreneurs faces today that make it harder for them to get going, is it…