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Life Lessons

The Art of Knowing When to Retreat

Hope Chest is a podcast about a womanhood, parenting, art, and mother’s relationship with her young

Why You Should Do What You Love Even if Money and Fame Do not Follow.

by Guillermo Vidal | Jul 30, 2018 | Aging Successfully, Life, Life Lessons, Self Fulfillment, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Chad Grills, Stephanie Postles, Lacey Peace, have you seen this article that appeared in your…
James Finn

Chad Grills, Stephanie Postles, Lacey Peace, I call bullshit!

You are telling me that a publication as big as yours just didn’t see this article. You are telling me that The Mission, has next to no screening process while accepting posts. You are telling me that you guys just accept submissions from hypocritical big names…

Is It Really Possible To Complete A 1-Year Goal In The Next 3 Months?
Maarten van Doorn

Maarten van Doorn
One thing I noticed about is the way you break down the article. I have to say it is beautifully done with the right balance and space for readers to read, but also the good content in between to attract and stay in sync with the audiences.

The Commonplace Document

Inspired by Ryan Holiday’s “How And Why To Keep A Commonplace Book”

This is a collection of quotes and ideas that I find especially important. Without documenting these moments of deep connection with an author, I will continue to live on a moment-to-moment