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Life Lessons

Building your labyrinth

Do you view life as a maze or a labyrinth?

In Design is Storytelling, Ellen Lupton explains the difference between a maze and a labyrinth. At first glance, they look similar. But a maze has dead ends, while a labyrinth does not.

Words of Hope

Accomodate Desire

Reflecting on habits.

Top 10 excuses to leave school early

Top 10 excuses to leave school early

Your father is out of city and you have to go bank or any government office with mother

You are not a failure at dating.
Peter Mancini

Thank you for the kind words, Peter! To be honest, I was sort of teasing about being bad at dating (though it does feel that way sometimes)!

I miss chivalry and letting things develop rather than the assumption that sex should be a foregone conclusion by the 2nd or 3rd date. I’m old-fashioned, it seems!

I totally relate to u and ur very Brave for sticking with it.

Thanks for reading and responding, NC Sampuran Preet! I hear what you’re saying.

Have you done many writing collaborations? I haven’t. That sounds interesting.

What’s Your Shutdown Time?

Kasturi Shrivastava, I really agree with your message here.

It’s so important to have such a cut-off time, otherwise work will consume you. There’s always more to be done, and you must set the limit.

A lot of things life are about ‘struggling well’.

Starting in on that right now!
Louise Foerster

Congratulations Louise Foerster! I am happy for you. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help!
