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Life Lessons

42 Lessons — the directory

#11. How’d you do it?

#12. The Body’s Wisdom

#13. Qs & As

#14. Forgiveness

#15. The Masterpiece

#16. Start

Where do you come from?
Daria Krauzo

I ate your story like a fresh strawberry, Daria! A different perspective on life than what I experience but one that is ripe and succulent. In my youth, I thought great travels were in my future but that is not how my life unfolded. Perhaps a few regrets tucked in the fabric of my days but I am now content with the place I call home. Turns out my…

Plug in the Kettle, Someone Stole My Keys

Dear Jessica Brennan,

I was thinking tonight about a gig from a few years ago when I was managing Alan Frew, where we ended up without car keys in the middle of the night in Oshawa. I was driving Alan and the gear. It was a charity…