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Life Lessons

How big is your ego? How big shall it be?

I grew up in the eighties. The inspirations of our childhood were not Hans Rosling, Ken Robinson or Simon Sinek — the inspirations of our childhood were people we were equally impressed, inspired and scared of. The Klaus Kinskis, the Nina Hagens, the…

God Is Not A Guest

By Armen M.

It’s a difficult thing to stay on the spot where you’re asked to be. We want things to…

Blocking Out the Digital Noise
Rebecca Saraceno

Rebecca Saraceno, cool article, well written!

There is so much digital noise these days, especially when it comes to productivity.

Every day, I’m bombarded with titles like:

“How to achieve your goals within THE NEXT MINUTE”.

YES YES YES to this article!
Victoria Marie Goulding ☘️

Thank you Victoria! I wrote this article as a bit of therapy for myself. I’m not very good at what I preach here but I make a specific effort to measure why I feel a certain way when things happen.

This started years ago when I moved away from home. I didn’t move because I had a terrible childhood. My home life was great…

What is a comfort zone?
Don Tomoff

Amen Don Tomoff! You look like a Top Gun pilot in this photo! No grass growing under your feet!