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Life Lessons

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It’s based on you, not them.

Thank you Kris for coming and stating that. Many people try to explain love without say this.

More good scholarship on love is and the psychology of it. I am still for real. Make an online class somehow and I am down to sign up! 💜 🙃

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Hey Camila thanx so much for the mention. Jealousy I think, hits us all, no matter who you are. You nailed it in #3. You gotta be happy with yourself! And Natalie Merchant? ^5 My son and I have some of her lyrics tattooed on our bodies 😜

This was an excellent piece. ❤

Asking for negative feedback can build stronger relationships with the people around you
Why you can’t handle negative feedback
Aytekin Tank

Hi Aytekin Tank — thanks for sharing these insights. Although it is indeed not easy to ask for negative feedback, it is utterly important to do so.

I personally try to promote these feedback rounds in my team as well. It might sound counter intuitive, but I have seen it far too often that negative energie starts to build up…

Hi Blair Warner, I see your point and at first I had the same impression — and honestly, even…
Stephie Neuman

I can see that, Stephie Neuman. Good food for thought.

Another thought:

Without expecting our friends to completely conform to doing and saying things as we want them too (disappointment in life and relationships usually comes from unrealistic or exaggerated expectations), I agree that best practices…

Origins #71 — What’s the Alternative?

The Choice

In this series we are documenting the journey of building DULO, starting from Day 1. Every week we publish a new chapter that takes you behind the scenes of our process. With every article we want to provide value to…