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Life Lessons

You Can’t Beat Her Bro, She’s a Pro

Devereaux Peters wrote a great Twitter thread explaining why she stopped accepting challenges…

Stop hanging out with failures, the underlying message tells us.
You're Not the Average of the People You Spend the Most Time With
Gustavo Razzetti

Gustavo Razzetti, As it happens, I wrote an article with the exact opposite title, defending the claim that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Obviously, this is not a proposition that should be interpreted literally, because, as one of my readers pointed out, that would mean that it is…

Dealing with the Frustration of Failure

In yesterday’s post, I argued that there’s nothing worthwhile in the domain of known. You…

Life Without Direction ?

Just completed your 12th class or done with your graduation ,congratulation and welcome to the world of “Optical…

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Congratulations! Your thoughts lifted from your writing with feeling! As I have come to understand, Living a Life of Sobriety, it is always about Choice.

I have come to understand, redemption comes upon us when we take ownership of all our choices in Life, to bring us to the moment we feel right now! It is just that simple, but it takes a lifetime of understanding! Enjoy!

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I am so, so honored thank you Annie Littlewolf for this feedback. I love your name I can picture it on many book covers- write write write!!!

Grateful that you shared this all with me, Im so happy to hear that my message reached someone. It’s very affirming and of course thank you for the claps as well!

A lot of people find it hard to establish relationships with others because they have unresolved…
Alexandra Ciausescu

I agree, Alexandra.

I think self-knowledge is one of the most important and underestimated issues in life.

If you’re interested, I write about why that is here, and here.

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Hatem Kaya-

So true that sometimes we forget that the experience of our emotions is one of the most important educations we get in life. The choices we make, actions we take and words we speak often are driven by our reactions to the experience we are having of an emotion.

The 1 Big Mistake Tom Kuegler Is Making
Kristin van Tilburg

Kristin, thank you for so many great insights. I too have learned a lot from Tom Kuegler.

He has a willingness to be vulnerable and throw his thoughts out there. It’s a powerful and creative way to gain clarity in life.

“The older I get the less important survival is to me…

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Right on, Dan Pedersen. Been pondering for myself how we reflect our success in other people’s mirrors. Always gonna be a fractured vision.