All Stories published by The Awl on May 01, 2009

Britney Spears Is A Social Networking Stalker

It turns out that Britney Spears-or at least her brand manager-is something of a cyber-stalker? According to leaked screenshots of Twitter’s admin interface, she is blocked by 3855 users. For contrast, pop singer Lily Allen is only blocked by 184. Leave me alone, Britney!

Woo hoo, new flu!

Tired of swine flu? Good news! “A patient who saw a doctor in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, is suspected of having contracted a new strain of influenza, Nagoya city officials said Friday.” Before everyone runs off half-cocked in all directions, can we just agree right now that we’re going to call this one “Aichi Breaky Heart”?

Van Halen’s Original Logo

Maybe if Van Halen had gone with their original logo I would have learned algebra instead of spending all my time in class trying to draw that frigging VH.

What If The Hipster Grifter Were A Cracker?

Duly noted and agreed with, from our business manager David Cho on Twitter: “The hipster grifter is the ultimate example of white dudes thinking a girl is more attractive than she is bc she’s azn.”

Bitch Tits!

So there’s this:

“The medical term was gynecomastia, but around the clubhouse they called them “b — — t — -” or “man boobs” — and heaven help the player who sprouted them in the middle of his career and then took his shirt off in the locker room,” the Daily News reporters wrote in…

Hate Crimes Bill Opportunity For High Comedy If You’re A Moron

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The joke here is supposed to be that Florida congressman Alcee Hastings is reading out a list of sexual fetishes on the floor of the…

Justice David Souter Retires

According to NPR, David Souter is retiring from the Supreme Court. Rumors began when he didn’t hire this season’s clerks. According to Andy Cooper on the CNN, a “source close to Souter” confirms it. What can we say? Thanks for waiting beyond January 20, 2009! Also now you can…

Another Bad Economy Suicide

Attorney Mark Levy, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Clinton administration, killed himself yesterday. Earlier in the week Levy had learned that he was to be one of the 24 attorneys in his firm to be laid off; his 20-year-old son found “a note in his home saying…

Hulu Is Largely Unnavigable Anyway

What does yesterday’s announcement that Disney would become a full equity partner in Hulu mean for CBS, which is now the only major network not to stream its shows on the video portal? Nothing: Old people don’t watch TV on the computer.

Newt Gingrich Is Mean

CNN: “Several members of the Republican National Committee are miffed at Newt Gingrich for claiming that they’re a small bunch of egomaniacs who need to be coddled by the party chairman.” Well, of course they’re miffed. It’s gotta sting, right? I mean, who would know better?

Let Us Review The Week Gone By

Extra special thanks to our columnists this week, and if you are bored this weekend, why not go read them? There’s Mr. Wrong, our House Apologist, our Answer Lady, our Puzzlemaster, that guy who hates rich people, and Macho Sporty Spice, a chick with an ax to grind, that…

Dead Portfolio Gets Meta


From the recently-shuttered Portfolio’s homepage. Nice to see that someone over there was able to maintain a sense of humor.

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