All Stories published by The Awl on May 07, 2009

All Of Douglas Coupland’s Books Reviewed

Here is a review of all of Douglas Coupland’s books:

Character A: You remember that Thing*? I remember that Thing.

Character B: I remember that Thing also.

‘Observer’ Offered Cleaning Lady Half The Pay Before Firing

A little bit more on the New York Observer’s firing of the long-time cleaning lady: apparently the paper’s owner, Donald Trump’s maybe-soon-to-be son-in-law Jared Kushner, offered her the possibility of staying on-if she worked…

The Army Says Saying You’re Gay Is Basically Man On Man Action

The letter the U.S. government sends you when they kick you out of the Army for being gay? It says “You admitted publicly that you are a homosexual, which constitutes homosexual conduct.” Yes! Speech acts are back, hello…

Providence Rebrands

The Journal’s got a great front-pager on the spate of cities and towns looking to rebrand themselves with idiot slogans and logos in hopes of attracting tourist dollars. The mayor of Providence, Rhode Island-the new one, not the guy who assaulted the man he suspected of screwing his wife with…

Ass-Grabbing Priest May Finally Change Church Policy On Celibacy

Have you heard about Alberto Cutié? The hottie Hispanic holy man was recently photographed “kissing and caressing a bikinied brunette on a Florida beach.” The photos, which show the sultry spiritual leader with “his…

PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS AND YET I am responding to that idiocy.

Grey Poupon is owned and manufactured by Kraft Foods. It is the processed cheese of mustards. It is the fucking Velveeta of faux-French products. Can we all shut the fuck up?

People With Children Get Laid Off Last

Basically all this front-page article in the Times about small company bosses laying off their workers teaches you is: they really do discriminate against childless and single people! Literally, if you have kids, you get laid off last. Also when you do finally…

Chiropratic Is A Joke, Okay?

This month a British court may rule that chiropractic treatment is a complete fraud and its practitioners are total quacks, which is completely true but something it’s best not to say in mixed company because there’s always someone who swears by it and is completely offended…

Colbert On Byron York

The Colbert Report Mon — Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Tip/Wag — Forced Smoking & Grizzly Best Man Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Gay Marriage

We’re not gonna get into the habit of posting a ton of Colbert Report/Daily Show clips, because…

Hope you already had breakfast!

How your Doritos “flavor dust” is made: “In its original solid state, the dust acts like one of those grotesque squeezey desk toys. If you poke it, the dent very slowly un-dents itself. When taken out of its bag and laid on the (whatever machine/conveyor belt apparatus it…

Twitter To Add On Live-Time Wikipedia News Thingey!

Twitter is going to turn its search results into a real-time Google News-Wikipedia mash-up? Or, you could say, a giant topic-indexed blog with millions of idiot writers. Like Wikipedia, but without the structure fascists!

Fox News: Fair, Balanced, and Super-Classy

Currently at Fox News: “YOU DECIDE: Does the baby in the photograph look like John Edwards? Share your thoughts. Click on ‘Leave a Comment’ below.”

The Manny That Got Away

Earlier today Los Angeles Dodgers slugger Manny Ramirez was suspended 50 games by Major League Baseball after failing a drug test. There’s no word yet on what they found in his system. Was it steroids? Recreational drugs? Boner juice? No one knows. But even if sports aren’t your thing…

Exit The Plumber

Symbolic tradesman “Joe” “The” “Plumber” is quitting the Republican party, according to Time magazine. His reasons for leaving include the GOP’s obstructionism, anti-intellectualism, and crass unwillingness to provide viable alternatives to Democratic policies. Oops, wait, I have that wrong: He’s…

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