All Stories published by The Awl on May 04, 2009

Harvard Grads Help Others! Needlessly!

New York Observer publisher Jared Kushner is now on Twitter. Barely. So is his brother Joshua, whose only usage so far has been to note that he has launched “Think this could be a game changer,” he says of his new website. It offers no-interest…

Wall Street Traders Sitting Around Like Unemployed People

Pity the poor traders: Even in these trying economic times, when markets careen from moment to moment, the men on the floor find themselves with little to do but watch DVDs and sexually harass unfortunate the unfortunate females…

Kobe Bryant: Swine Flu?

Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant missed practice yesterday with a “sore throat,” which I think we all know is SECRET CODE FOR SWINE FLU. Or at least that’s the rumor I’d be spreading, just because it seems like the swine flu hysteria is starting to die down and this is exactly the…

‘Vanity Fair’ Entirely Fails To Profile Jessica Simpson

Finally! Vanity Fair has done the definitive, intelligent profile of Jessica Simpson! Oh wait.

There have been danger signs. First, the sudden weight gain, as evidenced by pictures that turned up in the…

Handsome Man: Sarah Palin Too Pretty To Be Influential

Is the GOP turning on Sarah Palin? Asked on CNN this weekend about the Alaska governor’s inclusion in Time magazine’s list of 100 Most Influential People, potential 2012 rival Mitt Romney-who has almost certainly never received…

Japan: One, Two, Three Wipes You’re Out At The Old Ballgame

I was admittedly kind of bleary when I read this article on Sunday morning, but in the cold harsh dawn of Monday it is still BAFFLING AND AMAZING. Short version: When the Boston Red Sox acquired Japanese pitcher Daisuke…

Who Doesn’t Want More Glenn Beck In Their Life?

Fox News star Glenn Beck announced a new partnership with publisher Simon & Schuster today. It’s a multi-format deal, including “nonfiction books, original audio books and e-books, as well as titles for children and young adults.” Beck will share…

Newspapers: Where The Jobs Aren’t

Here is a map of where the 8,862 (and counting!) newspaper jobs that have disappeared thus far this year are clustered. Actually, “clustered” is a bit imprecise. Either way, expect to see Boston get a little darker very soon.

The Awl
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