All Stories published by The Awl on May 21, 2009

The Gayest Typeface Ever

Here is a font, brought to our attention by designers House of Pretty, in which every letter is formed by a twisted jockstrap.

I don’t even know anymore.

In the service of parents everywhere, Fox Atlanta today released a list of text acronyms parents should know. As much as we applaud their commitment to child safety and paternal supervision, many items on the list are inaccurate or flat-out wrong. Here are the actual translations…

Shorts: Expensive, Complicated Trousers

Shorts: Not only are they inappropriate for grown men, but apparently, due to complicated structural engineering issues, they are more expensive than pants. I will feel so much better this weekend about my fully-clad legs and sweaty undercarriage. Also of…

Understanding The U.S. Debt

Finance blogger Felix Salmon does some math and assures us that “a U.S. default is almost certainly not going to happen.” Just making a record of that, in case something goes awry!

An Entire Crop Of New Lawyers Gets Laid Off (And Well Severanced)

Law firm Fish & Richardson just deferred two-thirds of their incoming first-year associates. That’s pretty bad! Though don’t feel terrible for them. Half those kids are all getting paid $5000 a month for a year to not…

Army’s Other “Don’t Tell” Policy

USA Today: “Army commanders are failing to punish or seek treatment for a growing number of soldiers who test positive for substance abuse, possibly because they don’t want to lose any more combat troops, the Army’s vice chief of staff has warned.”

Updates From The Brooke Astor Trial

Today in the Brooke Astor estate-tampering trial:

“Who is the black fellow who is sitting next me?” Brooke Astor had asked former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at a dinner at her apartment in January 2002.
“He is Kofi Annan,” Mr. Kissinger replied.

LA Rich People Lost Money Too

Los Angeles is down to a mere 29 billionaires, after a year in which the city’s fifty wealthiest residents lost a combined $32 billion. “Activist investor” Kirk Kerkorian lost five billion alone. The only two names on the top ten list of rich people to have actually made money…

It’s A Rewarding Bad Behavior Kind Of Day

So I guess this site is mentioned in Russ Smith’s interview with Michael Wolff, and he’s kind of dismissive of it? It would probably look petty if we didn’t link to it? But it is extremely long and, if the very beginning is any indication, full of the…

Low-IQ Terror Plot Foiled

In re the latest latest foiled terror plot-four small-time criminals planned to blow up a couple of temples in the Bronx and shoot down military planes at an air base in Newburgh-a few questions: Are the authorities only breaking up conspiracies planned by demonstrable idiots, are…

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