All Stories published by The Hairpin on November 09, 2010

Henry Rollins vs. the Hipsters: the Script

by Liz Colville

New York’s Nitsuh Abebe annotates the video of Henry Rollins offending hipsters in a record store so that you don’t have to actually watch it (ever/ever again), because oof, aaahhh, eek, argh!


The BBC challenges you to distinguish fake smiles from real ones in a 20-smile lineup that starts creepy and then gets adorable and then gets a little creepy again. I scored a six, because I am a moron, apparently. Also, hello to person No. 13!

Diagnose STDs With Your Cell Phone

Good news: Soon you can find out whether you and people whose pee you have access to are infected with chlamydia and other STDs using only your smartphone. Just pee on a thing, plug it into your phone, and new software will tell you what diseases you’ve picked up. Then…

Marriage Annulled for No Reason

by Liz Colville

An Italian man was allowed to get his marriage annulled because his wife had talked about maybe possibly cheating on him or having an open marriage, but had never acted on any of her ideas. The country’s highest appeals court agreed…

Cool Kids Text Alllll the Time

More news in cell-phonery: Teenagers who text more than 120 times a day somehow also find the time to have more sex, drink more booze, do more drugs, and get in more fights than their untexting, untexted peers. Aw. Perhaps a Big Brother/Big Sister pen-pal-type thing is needed.

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Ladies first.
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