All Stories published by The Hairpin on January 14, 2011

Japanese Teens Not Interested in Sex

Japan is disappearing:

36% of males aged 16 to 19 surveyed described themselves as “indifferent or averse” towards having sex. That’s a near 19% increase since the survey was last conducted in 2008. … [And] a whopping 59% of female…

Ovulating Women: Racist Anti-Rape Superheroes

Girl where you get that body from? Was it from evolving to avoid getting raped? (Aah!) On Slate, Jesse Bering has a slightly grim but fascinating essay on the way women’s (and men’s) bodies are designed to thwart rape (and … to rape). I’m still waiting to develop one of those labyrinthine duck vaginas.

What You’ll Be Eating in 2011

by Liz Colville

Down with pork buns. Vegetables are going to be big in 2011! Also, Scandinavian cuisine, “approachable” seafood — is any seafood approachable, or even around, anymore? — and exotic citrus fruits. Plus, tiny, tiny portions of many…

Come on, Kids

Only half of all kids make up imaginary friends? That’s sort of disappointing. (“Who are you playing with?” “What? No one, obviously.” “… Arrre you sure?” “Oh yeah, sorry, um, what was his name supposed to be again?” “Seriously?” “I’m sorry, Mom. Todd or something?”)

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