106. Purpose Over Profit?

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
1 min readAug 15, 2016

I’m reading Ryan Holiday’s book, “Ego is the Enemy”. It’s got me thinking a lot about what I’m striving for and the reasons behind why I do it.

I’m not going to lie: money drives me. It drives me in a predominantly negative way. With money comes all the material trappings that society has to offer… that I value. I know it’s my ego talking. I know it’s trying to take me down the wrong path.

I started blogging to try and dissociate myself from my ego. It’s been about seven years since I started. I can’t say that my progress has been great. But reading books like Ryan’s has helped it just that bit more.

I’d like to clarify that running a business for profit isn’t a bad thing in of itself. The problem though is when it exists solely for profit. All it does is take away your humanity and let your ego reign supreme.

And that’s why things start to go downhill.



