Solving crime as part of the business plan…

Every business plan needs solutions for the risks their companies face. Crime is a part of that. We need to solve crimes, to survive with our businesses.

Jiska Hachmer
Environmental Psychology
16 min readDec 28, 2020


Ethics and knowledge wins on the market

Ethics and knowledge wins on the market (DeRue, et al, N.D.), fair earning is ethical, ombudscycles are forever (Rugierro, et al, N.D.),people violating human rights lose sovereignty, tribunals are ethical, with knowledge of the human rights and to make sure everyone gets their human rights at all times, it stops crimes, needs no judges, it is done by people for human rights, so all people always have access to their human rights, at all times (Levin Institute, 2016), we must make sure we understand the way we solve the crime, to remain ethical and knowledged, and need control on workers and routes made by the governments, to keep the work floors correct. We control everything, every part with the absolute truth, not just some power abuse, that seems like an absolute. Only knowledge and ethics wins, power abuse loses from knowledge and ethics, so you need to understand what then controls everything, the scientific laws. Crime just always loses, it is unethical and not knowledge, but a “knowledge”, a belief, an idea of criminals that think wrong, with bias, myths, mistakes, crimes, personal DSM and is always losing.

Do not be the elephant that is hit on the legs constantly to make them believe they are not strong. It is brainwash. The moment the elephant realizes he is who he is, and knows his nature, he kills every human and everyone.

Also, place these tough ideas…

  • Placing the past, where people tried to make you a criminal…
  • Placing kids as none criminals…
  • Criminally exploited…

And the strict A-Z work fields, workplaces, with no crimes allowed, and the possible crimes because of those pasts, which need to be solved, so everyone is free from crimes.

There is a past, there is someone's fault, but that person also can blame a past and someone's fault. We need to find the deepest problem and solve all, and correctly.

It needs some tough ideas to work through, what to do with kids, they are always no criminal, this is a children’s right duty (Ruggiero, et al, N.D.), so focusing on kids as if they are the problem is illegal, and creates a loss of sovereignty and tribunals to jail you, so it has no point either, also when there are systems made by the gov to focus on kids this way. It only makes them illegal, with loss of sovereignty, thus total chaos in the country, and nothing legal, actually, thus all they ever said and done also not valid.

It does have a focus on them right away and their past, and who to blame for their development in crimes, which needs to be solved.

So, it is a lot to process and integrate into your business plans and needs a constant update, constant control on who wants to influence your ideas on this, and who tries fascism to make you not think of this.

The risks because of such a past.

What do criminals need to never be criminal again, and we need absolutes on this, cannot have falling back, the way x and boom did, with their typical crimes now and dark triad development.

Also, anyone can become a criminal, wars show crimes are built up, gov sets bars, and employers become criminals and end up even killing. Normal people become killers.

Ethics is duty

You will need to know ethics, and all studies on ethics, and getting to absolute truth, with no faults. Knowledge in ethics and ethics and knowledge will let you win, and it is safe, as, at the same time, it solves crimes.

It allows no twists, lies, frauds, criminals, etc. Only the best, good, ethical, correct behaviors, and the duty “to push” everyone into ethics (Валерия Николаевна Петрова, N.D.).


DeRue, S., et al. (N.D.) Leading people and teams. Michigan University through Coursera. Retrieved from

The Levin Institute. (N.D.) Human Rights. The Levin Institute. Retrieved from

Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from:

Валерия Николаевна Петрова (N.D.) Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment. Tomsk State University through Coursera. Retrieved from:

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Hachmer, J. (23rd of September, 2019) Every parent is a kid, of their parents, looking for the super kid(s) to save them. Medium. Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (10th of March, 2020) Stop crime at work. Know these secrets to spot and stop crime. Medium. Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (18th of May, 2020) Fear? Not If You Use HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE SYSTEM WE NEED. The Right Way! Medium. Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (4th of May, 2020) The mental illness of a fascist. The ill locked mind, never understanding logic, freedom, and duty of absolute sciences. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (27th of April, 2020) Human rights in short. You are equal, free, have rights, we say no to some things, also by law, and you have just one duty. The government has one duty too. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (27th of April, 2020) Secrets To Children´s Rights Duties — The child must get their own will — Even In This Down Economy. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (26th of April, 2020) Saying goodbye to authoritarianism, and all deaths and damages. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (25th of April, 2020) Ticking like a bomb is the human rights within every person. All have studied it by now. Waiting to jail everyone trying to change them. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (24th of April, 2020) The Secrets To Finding World Class Tools For Your Processing Information Quickly. Medium. Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (31st of March, 2020) In the Age of Information, Specializing in THE BRAIN BASIC: INPUT -PROCESSING- OUTPUT. — You are a process within a process. Molecules to cells. Cells to the body. You to the universe. A part of a process. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (30th of March, 2020) BASIC CHILD DEVELOPMENT INTO THREE STAGES Made Simple — Even Your Kids Can Do It. Medium. Retrieved from

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Hachmer, J. (9th of March, 2020) World peace: Criminals are actually medically ill, need medical care. We need to differ DSM from medical illness and to understand all DSM has causes. Medium. Retrieved from

Read more.

Hachmer, J. (27th of December, 2020) Easy way to spot care fraud in the Netherlands, using systems like a “kids star”. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (26th of December, 2020) Easy way to spot care fraud in the Netherlands, using systems like a “kids star”. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer. J. (22nd of December, 2020) Ombudscycle World and Netherlands police, solving crimes for the victims, instead of letting them report. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (18th of December, 2020) Ombudscycle: The Netherlands is not a good place for kids and families. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (13th of December, 2020) Ombudscyclus: Stolen children, children in schoolbuildings. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (29th of February, 2020) A museum: a collection of nature and human life. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (17th of February, 2020) The Dutch need to stop their care ways, like the “ GGZ”, “UWV”, GGD, and besides that any care used by the “jeugdwet”, because they use people as slaves and do not deliver our studies at all. They skip laws and codes and exploit these people. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. ( 10th of February, 2020) How our court became a crime scene. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of February, 2020) All types of schooling, homeschool is best. Education is free. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of February, 2020) Cracked the code of education. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (5th of February, 2020) Psychologists need to address faults in society… Today: A judge is… Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (4th of February, 2020) History of sharing. Now the internet with one big group of leaders and friends. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (1st of February, 2020) Forced care and experiments are useless. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (29th of January, 2020) The chain reaction in child development. Cumulative development. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (7th of December, 2019) A glimpse of American schools and studies. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (5th of December, 2019) Scientific Laws and the brain: F=m*a, and velocity. Good input creates good output. Bad input is bad output and bad velocity. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (29th of October, 2019) I think I found the end: God is physics, the laws, and won from chemistry, his possibilities to be. All in life planned. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (29th of July, 2019) We are almost done to create Godsend human! Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (6th of March, 2019) Ill or criminal psychologists “treating” kids, but not treating the real situation? Pretending to solve is a fraud and exploitation. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (15th of October, 2018) The forgotten profession along with the very profitable earning of the environmental psychologist consultant Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (4th of March, 2020) The consciousness of water bears: Water bears also a symbol for our own consciousness, and level of learning. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (17th of March, 2020) Force is not schooling. Understand what schooling is, what people come to do in a class. Teacher-student bonds, you only have when the teacher can teach you something, and you want that. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (10th of March, 2020) Hypothese: Childhood moment of high fever, creates types of crimes later on. Medium. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (9th of March, 2020) Damages after pandemic and epidemics in the Gut and brain. Crime is a medical condition, by the gut microbiome, viruses and related to low IQ and psychosis. #Coronavirus, #COVID19. #virus. Medium. Retrieved from

