All Stories published by The Awl on August 03, 2009

The Last Sad Gasps of the ‘Baltimore Sun’

Tom Scocca: Did you ever read that Baltimore Sun piece? About the hit-and-run?

Choire Sicha: About the 17-year-old boxer who was allegedly run down by the police, whilst on his dirtbike? Yes I did!

“Modern Love” and “The End of Suffering”

Here is something I have never thought before, I think: “What an excellent Modern Love column!” It’s about love, and about being modern! It lives up to its name, for once, and you should read it. Also it is by someone who is responsible, and not a victim, and…

White House Press Briefings Totally Out of Control

Oh boy. My goodness. Good grief! Today at the White House press briefing: “The second announcement is the Senate Democrats will come down to the White House tomorrow and have lunch here with the President.

New Sharon Olds Poem

There is a new Sharon Olds poem in today’s New Yorker! I can’t decide yet if I like it or not. For one thing it is about 100 words shorter than her normal length and for another it is a “conceit” poem (as opposed to I guess a sort of narrative poem) and this is not usually my favorite thing. And yet still maybe good!

Madonna’s Op-Ed

Madonna has contributed an opinion piece to Israel’s largest newspaper on the subject of magical realism in the work of novelist David Grossman. Nah, just kidding, it’s totally about Kaballah! She’s a fan.

Study Hints That Media Might Be Biased Toward Rich People

Were you aware that the term “class warfare” could just as easily describe attacks directed by the rich against the poor as those made by the poor against the rich? Not if you get your news from the mainstream media, according to…

Obama Poster No Joke (Haha, Get It?)

National Review’s Jonah Goldberg isn’t quite sure what this poster-supposedly popping up all over the place in Los Angeles-really means, but he does hope we won’t allow ourselves to get bogged down in the idea that putting Barack Obama in whiteface might be…

Pneumonic Plague Ready For A Comeback?

Today in things that might kill you: “Thousands of people have been placed under quarantine in a town in northwest China after a man died of pneumonic plague and 11 others were confirmed infected with the deadly lung infection, health authorities said.”…

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