All Stories published by The Awl on August 13, 2009

RIP Rashied Ali, Coltrane’s Free-Jazz Rhythmic Conspirator

by Seth Colter Walls

So according to Rashied Ali’s website, the legendary free-jazz drummer is dead. He was 74. There are no details regarding the cause just yet, but a French-language site seems to date…

Editor Quote Machines: Aaron Hicklin v. Dan Peres

Here is a Guy Trebay Times Style article about how all the young dudes are a little bit fat. He has two experts, both editors of magazines, who explain the phenomenon to us. One does a really good job? The other is ridiculous.
 · Aaron Hicklin…

District 9: 98% on Rotten Tomatoes

Okay? Now do you believe me? And its just some jackass in Baltimore (YES, Michael Sragow!) that is bringing the ratings down from 100%.

Fat Food Makes You Fat AND Stupid

Guts may be in, but the process of procuring them does one no favors mentally: A recent study shows that “indulging in fatty foods over the course of a few days can affect the brain and body long before the extra pounds show up.” Turns out that the more burgers you cram…

Complainers Make the World So Drab!

I just really enjoy reading a Joyce Wadler story in the Times, always each more charming than the last. This newest one is a little thing about terrible summer houseguests. (I also enjoy saying this because I know there are people inside the Times who find her…

Anger In Church And State

Everybody’s angry today! Former Vice President Dick Cheney is angry with George W. Bush for turning into a pussy during the end of his second term. The Catholic Church is angry with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for his arrogant and mortifying behavior with hookers and…

Did NJ Gov Candidate Launch Probe To Save His Career?

Doomed New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine saw a little relief in the latest poll on his re-election campaign: He now trails former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie by a mere nine points, down from a gap of twelve earlier in the summer. It’s not…

Sarah Palin Strikes Back

In a cogent and well-researched response to the President’s criticisms of her remarks on death panels, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin adds context and support to her earlier statement, correctly noting that she was, in fact, referencing principles discussed by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel…

Victory! ‘Dr. Parnassus’ Coming To The U.S.

Thanks, no doubt, to our campaigning earlier this week, now we get the word: Variety has announced that Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus has found a stateside distributor. It is Sony Pictures Classics.

Terror Comedy Closer To Completion

Chris Morris’ Four Lions project is “all but shot” and will be completed “well before the end of the year.” What is Four Lions? Morris’ feature film debut is a comedy about suicide bombers.

Morris’s conclusion, according to the film’s…

UK Unites Against NHS-Bashers, At Least On Twitter

The rightwing attacks on Britain’s National Health Service which we discussed yesterday have prompted a vociferous response from proud Britons, who have taken to Twitter to express their support of the service. Thousands of British tweeters…

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