All Stories published by The Awl on August 28, 2009

What’s Wrong with “People of Wal-Mart”

I went home to think about this new “People of Wal-Mart” blog overnight before I went off half-cocked. In the end: I’m not a fan, I think! And that’s a hard and maybe slightly indefensible thing to say, coming from someone who, essentially, thinks Cintra Wilson…

Lev Grossman, I Think I Have Feelings For You

Oh, so this is what falling in love is like. Lev Grossman, author of The Magicians, which I am now going to buy and read during Tropical Storm Danny this weekend: “There was also a whole chapter about a dragon that I cut out. I didn’t cut it out; my…

You Love Dave Eggers Sooooo Much

Ooh, a good old-fashioned comments brouhaha is taking place regarding Maurice Sendak, Dave Eggers and the Where the Wild Things Are remake. Our concerns were pretty much about the editorial pimping policies of the New Yorker? But you can have at it, Spike Jonze fanboys…

Grossest Story Ever?

Is this the Times of London’s most disgusting story ever? I haven’t been through the entire archives, so I can’t say, but it is pretty nasty. On the other hand, it ends on a happy note, in that butter was not being made out of human waste, so there’s that, I guess.

Elderly Comforted By Warming Glow Of “Television”

While the kids are busy texting, what are old people doing? Watching TV: “The networks still preach adults 18–49, but the Big Three are all expected to post median ages above 50 this fall — with Fox not too far behind. According to a recent…

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