All Stories published by The Awl on August 14, 2009

The Pride, Part 6: Who’s Done Whom?

by Rod Townsend


As “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)” plays on the stereo, MARK and STEPHEN put down the tray of drinks as OMAR, GREG, and ERIC approach. Noting the movement inside…

The Sgt. Pepper’s Of Homages To The Sgt. Pepper’s Album Cover

Last week we noted the great many parodies that have been made over the years of The Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover. But as you know, The Beatles have an even more famous album, with an even more famous cover image, that…

Many Opinions, Fat and Thin

This JC Penney — New York Times — Cintra Wilson thing is turning friend against friend! And also, from the comments: “Next time I’m in New York I’m going to walk into Prada on a Saturday afternoon (with about 3 Bloody Marys on an empty stomach) and loudly ask where their Plus…

Elsewhere: Apparently Michael Vick Is In The News?

You should know that Awl contributor Tom Scocca is guest-hosting on Deadspin today! Something something “Orioles,” something something “man bites dog.” (I don’t know, sports.)

Bill Wasik, I Bought Your Book!

Dear Bill Wasik: I am totally convinced! I have now spent $9.99 on your book for my iPhone Kindle app. Hey. Also the interview thingie with Simon Dumenco was excellent. I heartily endorse that others should buy And Then There’s This as well. Yours, The Awl.

Dying Liberal “Newspaper” Also Wants To Kill Elderly

Oh, you know, I was rather hoping they would ignore this topic. Because now, oh dear, the Internet will be ablaze with: LIBERAL JEW NEW YORK TIMES COVERS UP OBAMA’S DEATH PANEL HITLER SQUADS! Also they blame it all on the Washington Times

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