All Stories published by The Awl on August 12, 2009

Jon Hamm Is Ruining It For The Rest Of Us

Dear Jon Hamm,

I’m glad things are going so well for you! It’s terrific that you’re super-funny and everyone’s new crush and that you do such a great job of playing a bad boy in your show “Mad Men” but then turn out to be a regular…

Reporter’s Follow-Up Question Answered In His Previous Question

There was an interesting query at today’s White House press briefing!

Q If you look at the protests that we saw outside of the building yesterday as a kind of a continuum from the tea parties…

Rick Santorum Wins Race To Iowa

Well, how-dee-do. Rick Santorum, who is a crazy person who was accidentally elected to the Senate, and who is now a lawyer, a lawyer who does not believe there is a right of privacy in the United States, because how could “liberty” possibly have anything to do with…

Faces Of Dissent, Summer 2009

Some people really don’t want health care: “Arriving at Hagerstown Community College in northern Maryland, signs of protest at Sen. Ben Cardin’s (D) healthcare town hall pop up as soon as one exits Interstate 40-’No Socialized Medicine,’ ‘No To ObamaCare.’ At the entrance to…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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