All Stories published by The Awl on August 10, 2009

Everything You Thought You Knew About Anomalocaris Is Wrong

Crack bit of paleontological detective work detailed in a new Nature article about Anomalocaris, a three-foot-long shrimp-like creature widely believed to have dominated the seas of the Paleozoic era’s Cambrian period by…

White People Horrified About Extremely Minor Westchester Integration

750 lucky black or otherwise not white families are going to be plonked down in Pound Ridge and Larchmont and other tony, nearly all-white communities of Westchester, at the astonishing cost of $50 million. Wait…

Free Content Is Destroying Everything Except Articles About Destructive Free Content

Maybe it’s August (now and forever the worst month of the year), maybe it’s that I’m a voracious reader of news, maybe things really are terrible, but every article I’ve seen this…

Wal-Mart Is Coming to New York City

So much for the Starbucks/Wal-Mart population divide ratio; now Wal-Mart is back in the market for a New York City store. From the department of the obviously obvious: “The retailer is likely to focus on poor neighborhoods where there is a pent-up demand for jobs and supermarkets.”

Jimmy Bedford, 1940–2009

Knock one back for Jimmy Bedford, who suffered a fatal heart attack this weekend. Bedford, 69, rose from the humble role of yeast fermenter to spend twenty years as the Master Distiller for Jack Daniel’s. I’m a Wild Turkey man myself, and Jack Daniel’s sour mash is a little too tart…

A Young Go-Getter Who Will Not Make You Roll Your Eyes

Ha, here is the story of the 25-year-old Times sports reporter who is killing on the steroids scandal beat. Best part, about his college internship in Boston: “While at The Globe, he wrote 10 pieces. ‘I thought I was King Shit on Turd Island,’ he said.”

Ben Stein Is Sad

Fired New York Times business contributor Ben Stein is sad. Particularly, he’s sad “that the Internet has become a backyard gossip freeway for the whole world’s sick people to pour out their neuroses.” Well what else did he expect it to become? Also he forgot the part about how it’s good for…

Cartoon Censored For Wrong Reason

The Washington Post has chosen not to run the current series of comic strip “Tank McNamara” because it includes “a storyline in which — for some reason — Dick Cheney advises NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to kill quarterback Michael Vick.” (See it here.) This raises a…

David Monson Is Upbeat, Well-Dressed

Also, he spells his surname with an ‘o’: “An article last Sunday about older alumni who have been helped by university career counselors referred imprecisely to David Monson, a 1990 graduate of Lehigh University, and a previous correction misspelled his name. Mr…

Photographs of Men at their Manliest

This is pretty wild, this gallery of men being manly. I like. (Warning some photographs contain the nudity!)

Silvio Berlusconi’s Women: A Series Of Slideshows

That’s right, scandal-plagued Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi likes the ladies. But it’s hard to keep track of just who the man’s been amorous with-which one’s the hooker, who’s the actress he nominated to Parliament, etc.? Fortunately…

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