All Stories published by The Awl on October 06, 2009

China Reveals Secret Swedish City Of Woodworking Lesbians

How awesome is Sweden? We’re not just talking about kick-ass robberies here. No, there’s also this:

Chinese media have confirmed what we in the West suspected all along: that concealed in the northern…

The Awl Turns Five Months And Sixteen Days

Today as, unlike other sites, The Awl marks no sort of anniversary at all, co-founder and Associate Editorial Director Alex Balk talks about the first five months and sixteen days’ surprises, obsessive commenters, print’s premature obit, Sarah Palin, his

Harvard Endowment Manager Returns to Goldman Sachs

Interesting! Edward C. Forst-who went briefly to the management of the Harvard endowment as it cratered-has returned to Goldman Sachs. He will be a “Senior Strategy Officer” at GS. This is fascinating; we’d assumed he’d settled at Harvard…

This Declining Thing Looks Like That Declining Thing

There’s this:

At General Motors, executives originally cultivated distinct personalities for its Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Buick, GMC, and Cadillac divisions. But those divisions began to blur into one in…

Spider Bites Man

Paper of Record my ass: “The Really column last Tuesday, about the possibility that the loss of sight might heighten other senses, referred incorrectly to the main character in ‘Daredevil,’ a film adaptation of a comic book series. Radioactive material that caused the character, a lawyer, to go…

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