All Stories published by The Awl on October 01, 2009

The Terror of Butt Elmo and Butt Pooh

The Awl’s Tom Scocca takes Underparenting to a new level: “Diapers are for catching urine and feces. They represent neither entertainment nor education…. Butt Elmo, by contrast, represents a world in which it’s not merely branding that’s out of control but…

Hero Pilot Negs Republicans

“Republicans earlier this year tried to convince hero Capt. Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger to run for a congressional seat in California,” reports The Hill. The “Miracle on the Hudson” pilot declined, reportedly saying that there were certain wrecks that even someone with his skill and training could not avert. Ba-dump-bump.

Science: Dudes Like Hot Chicks

Okay, Science, whaddya got for us today? “Flirting with an attractive woman really does make men feel good, scientists find, as they discover it causes a surge in health-giving hormones. Researchers found that just being in the presence of a pretty member of the opposite sex…

Nasty Australian Yeast Pate Searches For Less Stupid Name

Kraft’s Vegemite iSnack debacle has resulted in the company’s decision to withdraw the name-but not the horrific product-and hold yet another competition to choose a moniker. While suspicious minds are already suggesting that…

New Video: Freeway “Old To The New/Attitude”

Awl fave Freeway, out of Philadelphia, proves he can rap better than you on two new songs from his upcoming mixtape, The Beat Made Me Do It. An official album, The Stimulus Package

Super-Amazing Video Full Of Super-Amazingness (And Ramen)

This Korean ad for ramen in which the group Girl’s Generation sings the theme to classic videogame “Bubble Bobble” is burning up the Internets right now, and…

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