All Stories published by The Awl on October 12, 2009

Funny Berlusconi Slip Another Punchline To Italian Joke

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi got a big laugh the other day when, discussing his many trials, he noted that, “In absolute terms, I am the most legally persecuted man of all times, in the whole history of mankind, worldwide…

The Obama Administration Swears Like A Sailor (And Every Previous Administration)

Breaking: A lot of people in the White House use bad words. A lot of people in every White House have used bad words, but now reporters are including those bad words and papers are happy to…

“Come Back With Your Commandments, Or On Them”

Oh, why not? “20th Century Fox has made a preemptive acquisition of a pitch to tell the story of Moses in ‘300’ style. The tale will start with his near death as an infant to his adoption into the Egyptian royal family, his defiance of the Pharoah…

The Awl
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