All Stories published by The Awl on October 27, 2009

How Are Newspapers Reporting on Newspaper Circulation?

There were two trends I noticed while compiling yesterday’s chart of the last two decades of newspaper circulation trends. I relied upon the New York Times for data, and one trend I found there was that, in general, over the last 16…

Why Tina Fey Hates Sarah Palin

Going Rogue and Going Rouge are not the only books coming out about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. The Weekly Standard’s Mathew Continetti has written The Persecution of Sarah Palin, a “226-page defense of Palin and slap-down of the media coverage she has faced.” U.S

Japanese to be Responsible for the Downfall of Man, All Thanks to Eyeglasses That Tell You When to Blink

BAAAAAAAAAAARRRRFFFF! Seriously guys? You’re going to create a special kind of glasses for the slothful fuckwits amongst us that can’t get it together…

New York City: Is It Always Getting Poorer? Or Just Getting Poorer Now?

So this new study by the Empire Center for New York State Policy is totally fascinating. Their agenda is anti-tax, so their framing for the exodus of 1.5 million New York residents from 2000 to 2008 is about…

Humans To Be pwn3d By Computers Like NOW

So there’s this article entitled “Design Firm Shows Gadgets from the Near Future” which is funny because “near future” inspires jokes along the lines of, “near like, now?” and “how about now?” and “OK, now?” on and on and until everyone is smiling really…

Ladies Who Are Not Joanne Lipman Explain Ladyhood Properly

§ Gail Collins, New York Times OpEderess: “Once they figured out how to reapportion districts by computer to protect all the incumbent, it became really hard for women to get elected. That big year of women getting elected…

Science Makes Man Feel Like An Achromatic Quarter-Wave Retarder

Articles at Nature magazine’s website are often great fun to read. This one, though, a “letter abstract” about (I think) how shrimp’s eyes work better than camera lenses, is clearly intended for an audience with more…

Monster Shark Terrorizes Australia

What’s going on off the coast of Prison Island? Oh, just a case of MONSTER SHARK SYNDROME! “The nine-foot white pointer shark emerged from the waters off the Queensland coast with an eye-popping wound: two gigantic bite marks that nearly split it in two. What could…

French Fugitive Accused Of Brutal Murder Lacks Savoir-Faire

This is a kind of interesting story about a man whose evasion of justice is the current national obsession in France, but, oh my God, is this not the worst lead ever?

They seek him here. They seek him…

Further, Cheaper Ideas for Halloween Costumes

Don’t you get the sense that, in this over-Twittered, hyper-Tumblr’d time, that Halloween is going to be super-competitive this year? I’m almost scared to go out dressed as this ____. (Not telling!) Yet here are some more costume ideas from The

Lady to Less-Informed Lady: “Welcome!”

Here is a hilarious letter to the editor in the Times in response to unemployed former Portfolio editor Joanne Lipman’s rather heinous editorial the other day. It starts: “In ‘The Mismeasure of Woman’ (Op-Ed, Oct. 24), Joanne Lipman belittles organized feminism and its legacy to her generation.” That is pretty awesome.

The Awl
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