All Stories published by The Hairpin on August 04, 2011

Peach Qobbler

Qream! It’s perfect, right? I mean, after two recipes with Qream substitutions that resulted in relatively successful edibles that…

Men Exchanging Emails

This is as entertaining as this description is boring: A guy reviewed a play, and a guy who knows the guy whose play it is didn’t like the review.

RIP, Rudolf Brazda

The last known “Pink Triangle” survivor has died at the age of 98.

(If you have not yet sniveled your way through the extraordinary Paragraph 175, you should immediately alter your Netflix queue accordingly.)

Mermaid or Advertisement?

An artist sponsored by a German soap company (Bliss, presumably, via Steiner Leisure) installed a “mermaid” in the Alster river in Hamburg this week. As the anchors point out, she is not an actual mermaid but a sculpture of a head and two knees.


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