All Stories published by The Hairpin on August 29, 2011

Where’s Jackson Eaton?

Can you find the third wheel in each of these 16 photographs of couples in long-term relationships? Still looking for No. 7. [Via]

Getting Married in Italy

Here’s one way to throw a $7.7 million wedding. (And here’s what the groom looks like if you want to save yourself an embarrassed “Where is James Stunt, show us James Stunt” Google search. Oh, and then here’s what the dad is like.)

Are You Familiar With the Jacqui Smith Scandal?

The British just have better kerfuffles than we do.

So, you’re a Labour MP. You’ve resigned after attempting to expense your husband’s pay-per-view porno movies. Then you donate some plants to a work-release program for…

Please Tell Us If You Meet a Reneesme

Apocalypse now.

I actually do have a Team Jacob shirt I bought at Walmart while on vacation, and am still wearing, because my distended belly makes him look like he’s playing the Hulk, which is awesome. True story.

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Ladies first.
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