Day 21 — Reflections of the First Three Weeks of a LIVE Case Study

Adam Dukes
3 min readJun 6, 2017


This is a LIVE case study where I am documenting my journey to becoming a highly paid marketing consultant by blogging everyday for 50 consecutive days. It’s called “50 Days to Freedom: My Journey to 5 Figures in 50 Days“. At the end of the post, you will find links to all the previous posts.

This public challenge/case study has really pushed me outside my comfort zone.

And we’re probably all familiar with the quote — Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

A big reason why I started it, and thought it was be a whole lot of fun to do.

It has held me accountable. I am driven to prove to the world (and more importantly to myself) that I will achieve my goal of $10,000 per month by July 4th — which is now less than a month away.

Earlier today, I was chatting to a colleague about how much I am enjoying doing this. Blogging daily can be challenging, but worth it. I shared with her even though I am almost half way through the challenge, and has not generated revenue yet — I am really not worried one bit that I’ll hit my goal.

I truly am not, which is weird for me, as I worry about everything, and often times look like this…

credit: giphy

A lady I follow online talks a lot about the importance/power of making a DECISION.

The power of deciding on something, going all in on it, and working your ass off to get there.

You cannot worry about the how.

You have to trust the process, and do the work two quotes I have written on my white board.

Then last night, as the Universe works in magical ways, came across this quote in a Facebook group…

And I really feel that is why I am not worried about smashing this goal. I have zero doubt in my ability to achieve the goal I set, and fully expect to smash it!

Wishful thinking you might be thinking…

One of the BIGGEST keys to success is believing in yourself. A reason I got the word Believe tattooed on my inner wrist years ago, that serves as a reminder to me.

Day #21 Breakdown

I worked on an action plan/proposal for a prospect I’ve been in talks with. Admittedly, spend WAY too much time with the proposal part of the business. Always have, years ago this was always one of the parts I’d always dread.

I have a template that I use, that I am still fine tuning, to speed up this process.

I scraped new leads today with the software I use, and have a list of about 100 to send out first thing in the morning (Monday)

Day #21 Numbers

Emails Sent: 0

Sales Calls: 0

Facebook Posts: 0

Leads Generated: 0

Committed Trial Offers: 0

Action Plans/Proposals Sent Out: 0

Revenue Generated: $0

If you’re getting value from any of these posts, please share with a friend.

If you have comments and/or suggestions, please leave a comment below.

Last, but certainly not least: Thank you so much for reading, it means more than you know!

Follow along: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14, Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18, Day 19, Day 20



Adam Dukes

A stay-at-home-Dadpreneur, a marketing strategist, a cheeseburger connoisseur and a wastebucket full of useless sports knowledge.