August 2022 — Koinonia’s Stories & Notes for Writers

Lots to share!

Julie Ranson


Puzzles, Elvis, Mothers, Hairstyles, Nature, and Time — our writers tackled so many topics in August! Head over to our homepage and find a fantastic read.

Do you have a devotional time each morning? We want to help you start your day off just right. Check out our homepage every day for a bite-size daily devotion and stories about God’s love for us. Join us, won’t you? Every morning on our home page for a proper start to your day.

Our publication is ALL about promoting our writers and here is another way you can network with our writers. Check out these interesting resources:

S.E. Fairbanks wrote a book under a pen name. Beautiful Grace: The Heart of Transformation

Kimberley Payne has two YouTube channels! One focuses on Fitness and Faith

Ron Mahler has a website!

Paul Walker offered FREE Bible puzzles

When Whitney Houston Met Elvis — an intriguing story by Joseph Serwach

Katharine Trauger asks How May I Pray for You?

Our August Scripture Prompt was John 6:37

Here’s how this verse spoke to our writers.

All Means All by Katharine Trauger
Why Jesus NEVER Rejects Those Who Come to Him by Paul Walker

Check out our September Scripture Verse Prompt

Writers enjoy our private Facebook group — sharing their work and interacting with other Christian writers. If you’re a writer for Koinonia on Medium and not yet a member of our private Facebook group called Koinonia Medium Publication Writers, you’re missing out! Meet other writers and gain followers, fans, and friends. Please join us!

If writers want their writing featured in the monthly Newsletter, they should participate in this private group or write a post focused on the monthly Scripture Prompt (find the Scripture Prompt post above, or on the Koinonia home page).

Writer-promoted Content

Levels of Heaven by Lori Wangler

Part 2 of Lies My Mother Told Me by Mary Gallagher

Jumping Into James: Week One by Paul Walker

30 Years After Loss, the Real Bob Casey Finally Flips the High Court: Junior Denies His Legacy by Joseph Serwach

Mustard Seed Success Principles by Dr. Cynthia Johnson

Three Flattering Haircuts for Women over 50 by Debbie Walker

Why We Call God ‘Thee’ by Katharine Trauger

Three Ways to Pray Smarter by Paul Walker

Ten-Hut! By Lori Wangler

Does God Protect Us When We Do Stupid Things? By Kimberley Payne

Meet My Idol by Julie Ranson

Do You Worship at the Altar of Productivity? By Mary Gallagher

Christianity 2033: Shouldn’t We Be Planning for the 2,000th Anniversary of the Resurrection Right Now? By Joseph Serwach

How to Focus on Prayer When Someone’s Wearing a Cute Pair of Shoes by Deb Palmer

Adopted by The King by Lynne Collier

Welcome rain by Margie Hord de Mendez

Writer-promoted Poetry

Focus on Apples by Gordon McFarland

Wind Swept Pine (Haiku) by Kimberley Payne

I Sanctify Time by Mary Gallagher

Okra and Sunflowers by Debbie Walker

But Dad You Can Pray by Bridge a Gap

Writer-promoted Short Form (150 words or fewer)

After Decades of Marriage (humor) by Lynne Collier

When a Stroll with God Isn’t Enough by Julie Ranson

Same Path, Different World by Lori Wangler

10 Ways Nature Affects Our Well-being by Lynne Collier

I Wasn’t In London by TQ Housecat

Our writers are prolific. If you love what you read from these lists, click their profiles and read some more!

Writing/Medium Tips (offered in our private Facebook group)

Kimberley Payne wrote How to Tell the Difference between a Verb, Adjective, Adverb, and Noun

Mary Gallagher says If You Know Your ABCs then You Can Write Poetry

Here’s a tool tip for Medium newbies — What Are Those 3-Dot Menus on Medium?

What’s that Gold Star in your Medium Profile? You are part of the Partner Program and your articles are monetized.

How to write numbers properly in your posts.

See what you’re missing? Enjoy these conversations and learning opportunities as a member of our private Facebook group, Koinonia Medium Publication Writers. Again, this is for Koinonia writers only.

MORNING DEVOTIONS: We welcome Morning Devotions as single submissions and short series (2–3 posts). We are currently scheduling submissions about 1–2 days out, so you may wait briefly to see your post(s) appear. Please keep submitting!

Submission Guidelines for Morning Devotions


I hope you’ve enjoyed this little round-up of what’s happening at Koinonia. You should like our Koinonia Facebook Page, where we post our writers’ published stories and then you can share them with your friends on social media.

Blessings and Peace, (I live in the American South, so “happy fall, ya’ll!”)

Julie Ranson

Publication Owner



Julie Ranson

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: