All Stories published by The Awl on June 15, 2009

A Friendly Chat: Damian Mason, Farmer, Corporate Comedian, Bill Clinton Impersonator

by Logan Sachon

Damian Mason is a Bill Clinton impersonator, a corporate comedian, and a farmer. He attended Purdue University and was selling lighting fixtures

Weeping GM Bondholders Against Obama

When the Washington Times isn’t busy denouncing Barack Obama as Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, or a cunning Muslim propagandist, it’s supplying heart-rending accounts of the small-investor’s plight. The Unification Church-financed organ of Right-thinking…

Understanding “Off The Record”: An Intro For Angry Bloggers

Lord knows, The NYTPicker, a blog devoted to lightly annoying the New York Times, is probably penned by some disgruntled, drug-addled acquaintance(s) of mine. But that does not mean that they/he/she are not wronger than wrong…

Insanely Gay Gays Unexpectedly Charming, Thanks To Lesbian

I expected to hate this little Ariel Levy New Yorker profile of Simon Doonan and his potter-husband Jonathan Adler (who I do not know and yet dislike intensely) and yet I found it utterly charming! Ariel Levy could basically feed…

College Drinking

Studies: Babies who are breastfed are more likely to enroll in college later, where they will then die in alcohol-related incidents. Correlation? Perhaps!

Albany: Deadlines, Etc.

Meanwhile, up in Albany: State Supreme Justice Thomas McNarama told state senators to resolve the recent craziness by 1 P.M., or he would do it for them, warning that “I have no problem providing an answer to this question from a judicial standpoint. As a matter of public policy, you…

Financial Crisis… Still Going

Clusterstock’s John Carney says that the government’s implicit guarantee that it will not let the banks fail will eventually result in “another round of financial catastrophe.” The New York Times’ Paul Krugman says that reversing course on the stimulus plan would [plunge] the…

The Way We Demonstrate Now

At left, Iranian demonstrators protest against the contested results in the country’s Presidential election. At right, Los Angeles Lakers fans celebrate their team’s 15th NBA Championship; the LAPD reports that at least 25 people were arrested. Good morning!


Good to know: Don’t be surprised to see more violence from old people, particularly as the Baby Boomers start to realize that they’re not going to live forever.

South Carolina Republican Endorses Evolution

Embedded video from CNN Video
 I will say this for the GOP: Members consistently exceed my expectations when it comes to racism and idiocy. Claiming that comparing Michelle Obama to a gorilla is simply a reflection of her pro-evolution views is a particularly nice touch.

The Biggest Boat!

Big boat

Say hello to the world’s largest private yacht, the “Eclipse.” Try not to think of your own bank balance when you consider that…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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