All Stories published by The Awl on June 29, 2009

Malcolm Gladwell on Chris Anderson’s “Free”

Choire Sicha: Do not miss how amusing it is to have Malcolm Gladwell review Chris Anderson in the New Yorker.
 Tom Scocca: Wha-
 Tom Scocca: Zhu-
 Tom Scocca: Huff?
 Choire Sicha: So, yes, for starters? Gladwell finally makes the point that “approaching…

Small Businesses Disappear Every Day

Man. One minute Mike Albo from the New York Times is writing about shopping there; the next minute, allegedly trendy designer shop Yoko Devereaux is liquidating its furniture and fixtures, after its (previously unmentioned!) backing company bites the dust. Also I…

Blur At Glastonbury: Supposedly Really Good

A reunited Blur apparently tore it up at Glastonbury last night, but those of us who are not in Britain will be unable to see video until someone gets it up on YouTube without copyright complaints. Sorry, fellow old people!

Court Rules For Firefighters In New Haven Case

The Supreme Court has reversed the Second Circuit’s ruling in Ricci v. DeStefano by 5–4, “on ideological lines.” The case, in which a white firefighter claimed discrimination after being denied a promotion, will be at the center of Judge Sonia…

Ruth Madoff Is Quite Sorry

Ruth Madoff, wife of that guy who stole everyone’s money (everyone who was rich, that is), has issued an apology: “From the moment I learned from my husband that he had committed an enormous fraud, I have had two thoughts,” says the statement. I am thinking those two thoughts are…

Madoff Sentenced Forever

Bernie Madoff has been sentenced to 150 years in prison for his Ponzi scheme. That’s the maximum sentence, although Madoff has reportedly hinted that he could turn it into 350 for you with almost no risk. Anyway, now that justice has been done, our nation’s most entrepreneurial swindlers can get started on the next great scam.

The Awl
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