All Stories published by The Awl on July 02, 2009

Ariel Levy: An Appreciation

Did you catch the piece on writer/director/neck-lamenter Nora Ephron in this week’s New Yorker? It’s got some funny bits and nice moments, but there’s really nothing earth-shattering or new in it. And yet? I read the entire thing, a rarity for me. Which leads me to the conclusion…

Understanding AIG and the “Subprime-Mortgage Machine”

Ooh, here is a good place to start understanding how the AIG Financial Products group tried to destroy the world. It is geared for slow people such as myself! Yay!

WaPo’s New Income Strategy: Dinner

Oh here is a new profit model for newspapers! It is selling private parties at the home of the publisher of the Washington Post to lobbyists. Oh neat, the coal and healthcare people can pay $25 grand for dinner with reporters and Obama administration officials. How is this not a bad idea?!

Michael Wolff Never Met a Waiter or Editor He Didn’t Offend

Oh this is so wonderful, this profile of Michael Wolff by Irin Carmon. She really is very good. It is obviously a portrait of a person with a near-disability, a man who must argue about things and make up his mind about things…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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