All Stories published by The Awl on July 29, 2009

No More Music Magazines: The Problem With Publicists and the Celeb Industrial Complex, Part XXVI

Slate’s Jonah Weiner writes a good piece about why music magazines are dying. Part of the problem is what they like to call “access”: “When I profiled Beyoncé for…

Real Estate Company In Twitter Lawsuit Unconcerned About Appearances

“We’re a ‘sue first, ask questions later’ kind of an organization,” says Jeffrey Michael of Horizon Group Management, explaining why they never contacted the tenant whose Twitter post about her moldy apartment…

Why Doesn’t Jon Corzine Know He’s Going To Lose In New Jersey?

Do we have the first suicide in New Jersey’s Summer GraftFest ‘09? Political consultant Jack M. Shaw, charged with taking 10 grand from the informant at the heart of the investigation, was found dead in his Jersey City…

The Prose Stylings Of Nicholson Baker

On Monday Choire discussed Nicholson Baker’s New Yorker piece about the Kindle. I finally got around to reading the thing last night, and while I am in no way qualified to address the merits of his argument (I’m enough of a Luddite that I only broke down and…

Florida Is Closed

From the Broward-Palm Beach New Times (and via Felix Salmon) comes this tour of Florida real estate. Which is, apparently, all empty! “The pictures start at the Fort Lauderdale beach on Sunrise Blvd. and go west to federal Highway (rte 1) north to Pompano Beach about 8 miles.”

The Silly Beleaguered Fashion World Strikes Out Blindly To Save Itself

Oh, this is a wonderful account of the meeting held by the Council of Fashion Designers of America, which is a governing body in a similar way that any burlap bag of drowning cats competing for air and light…

Internet Usage Plateaus

The time Americans spend surfing the web-which rose to twelve hours a week over a five-year period-has leveled off, according to Forrester Research. The firm suggests that reasons for the halt in growth include better broadband speeds, greater familiarity with how to navigate the Internet, and sheer disgust with the whole “Rickroll” phenomenon.

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