All Stories published by The Awl on July 28, 2009

An Interview with Intern Thomas Kaplan, From Inside Vanity Fair’s Closet

by EA Hanks

Vanity’s summer intern Thomas Kaplan has been locked in a Conde Nast research closet to watch cable news from 9–5 for four days straight-while being broadcast…

Top Six Funniest Comments in the ‘Idaho Statesman’ on the New “Consultancy” Firm Founded by Larry Craig

From the Idaho Statesman, on the occasion of the founding of New West Strategies LLC:
 1. “I’m glad he was able to ‘tap’ into some new business.”

Irish Syntacticians Reach Collective Climax Over Van Morrison Profanity

Yes, finally, someone has dealt with Van Morrison’s request to fans that they “Fucking shut the fuck up.” The answer begins with this thorny issue: “The main syntactic problem is to determine whether the…

Emo Dracula Needs To Get Rapey

Slate considers the effect that the new crop of pussy vampires will have on our developing youth: “Just as America’s young men are being given deeply erroneous ideas about sex by what they watch on the Web, so, too, are America’s young women receiving troubling…

Christian Lacroix to be Saved?

From… Perez Hilton (what is with news sources this week!?) we learn that Christian Lacroix may be saved! The Borletti Group, in league with Lacroix himself, have placed a serious bid for the company (which has never, ever turned a profit). It’s urgent too-the French…

Draftsman Somehow Causes Mild Amusement

File this under things I thought I would never type, but today’s cartoon by Sean Delonas, the New York Post “illustrator” whose crimes against both art and taste are too numerous to elaborate upon in this small space, actually induced something almost resembling a chuckle this morning. I hope I’m not getting sick.

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