All Stories published by The Awl on July 15, 2009

We Found A Job For You (But It Is In Dubai)

Laid end to end, the 31,400 metric tons of rebar used to build the Burj Dubai would stretch more than a quarter of the way around the world. “Moment. Jewel. Icon.” The Burj, it is said (by their PR department), will be known by many names. It is…

See? No One Can Even Keep The Whole “Landing On The Moon” Hoax Straight!

An article on Tuesday about people who believe that the Moon landing was a hoax referred incorrectly to a picture in a feature on the Lens blog at As correctly noted in the feature, “Dateline…

Jimmy Carter And The Crisis Of Confidence, 30 Years On

Happy Malaise Day! (Yes, yes, he never said it.) This 33-minute address represented a seminal moment in American history: It’s the last time an American President thought that appealing to a shared sense of sacrifice while being frank…

Ratings Agencies Sued Over Top Ratings For Crap

Extremely enjoying this lawsuit filed by the California Public Employees Retirement System. Their beef? They bought into “structured investment vehicles” which were given AAA ratings by Moody’s and Standard and Poors. It is not a terrible point? I…

The Third Apartment Wheel

Now this is perverse. “Troll Craigslist (carefully), and you’ll find no shortage of couples soliciting strangers to split the rent with them.” Eww! The couples get a single to move in to share the rent and next thing you know? “Sometimes it almost feels like I’m in a relationship…

Strange Powers

I kind of love Christoph Niemann’s Master of the Universe” series on the Times’ Abstract City blog. Perhaps you might as well? If not, this attempt at a realistic Charlie Brown may be more your speed. Otherwise, screw you, when did it become my job to recommend art? Oh, right. [Charlie Brown link via Popsense]

Editing Error Makes Paper Blame Victims

Correction time in the Telegraph: “Owing to an editing error, our report ‘Women who dress provocatively more likely to be raped, claim scientists’ (June 23) wrongly stated that research presented at the recent BPS conference by Sophia Shaw found that women who…

Goldman Sachs Could Set New Records For Compensation

The Financial Times notes that Goldman Sachs has “set aside $6.6bn for compensation. It has earmarked $11.4bn for compensation for the first six months of the year. If Goldman’s second-half earnings stay on track, it would pay out an…

Sarah Palin Suffers For Your Sins

The Wall Street Journal’s Thomas Frank examines how the outgoing Governor of Alaska achieved her status as martyr: “To become a symbol of this stature Ms. Palin has had to do the opposite of most public figures. Where others learn to take hostility in stride, she and…

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