All Stories published by The Awl on January 25, 2011

Genghis Khan, Eco-Terrorist

“Genghis Khan has been branded the greenest invader in history — after his murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest. The Mongol leader, who established a vast empire between the 13th and 14th centuries, helped remove nearly…

Sexy Sexy Lady News Anchors Make It Hard For Dudes To Learn Anything

Everyone try to look surprised: “Two Indiana University scholars report that, for male viewers, ‘emphasis on the sexual attractiveness of female news anchors distracts from memory formation for news content.’…

Ohio Now Sending Its Death Row Inmates To “A Farm Upstate”

“Ohio says it’s switching its lethal injection drug to an anesthetic commonly used to euthanize pets as a shortage of the drug normally used for executions has worsened. The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction says the…

Senate Minority Leader Praises President On Tobacco Issue

RT @edhenrycnn: Asked fave thing about President, McConnell says “that he’s supposedly quit smoking” // “Supposedly”! Snarky!less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

Rahm Emanuel Back On Ballot, At Least Temporarily

“The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that Chicago ballots must include Rahm Emanuel’s name, issuing a stay of a lower-court order that said he wasn’t qualified to run for mayor.” Also: “The court has not decided whether to hear Emanuel’s…

The World’s Worst TV Lineup

Yes, this is what’s on TV: wall-to-wall Nazis, prison porn, “true crime,” Sarah Palin and “When Vacations Attack!”

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