118. What happens when you get to the top?

Johnson Kee
100 Naked Words
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2016

Do you still want to go higher?

I’m ambitious to a fault. My ego gets in the way — a lot. I want to make it to the top… whatever that means. Recently, I’ve had doubts about what will happen when I actually get there.

I hear it’s really lonely. I hear that there’s nothing around you but deafening silence. Meanwhile, everyone below you is not waiting to catch your fall. They might even be trying to whittle your foothold so you barely have a platform to stand on.

One of the first steps to maintain the success is to pay 0 attention to it. Yes, you’ve gone to the top but you hardly did it on your own. Even if no one helped you, there is an inarguable level of luck that probably went into it (timing, the economy, etc)

The second step is to be humble. Humility is acknowledging that you actually know less now that you’re at the top. There are less people to spar with and no one to keep you in check.

The third step is to seek more heights. Acknowledgement that you’re at the top is surrender to the situation (which could be man made). You set your own limits. Conquer what’s been set out ahead of you then conquer a path you pave for yourself.

Not for anyone’s sake, but your own.



