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Life Lessons

6 Quiet Daily Rituals of Every Billion-Dollar CEO

Successful people aren’t like the average person — if they were, everyone would have a billion-dollar business. While each successful CEO has his or her own hacks and tricks, CEOs often follow the same effective habits, day in and day out.

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Enrique Fiallo,

You are right again.

I agree that it is possible to find happiness in the simple things of life.

I think that what Roy Baumeister was talking about, didn’t have anything to do with enjoying the simple things of life. It was more about people who go through…

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Enrique Fiallo,

How are you doing my friend?

I agree, we should create meaning so that our life has value and we are not just stumbling through it.

Thanks for your comment,


Janis Cox

Janis Cox,

You are absolutely correct.

We should let God take care of it.

God has a plan for our lives and he tells us not to worry. In fact, Peter tells us, “Cast all you anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.

Thanks for the reminder,


We all have demons we battle. Even Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert.
Dad heard a voice in a dark alley
M.M. O'Keefe

We All Do

What a defining line M.M. O'Keefe! As fathers, or anyone for that matter, we all have demons we battle. And once we acknowledge it, we can do something about it.

Thank you for sharing your father’s story and how we can apply it to life!

Love it Steve. Your articles are always so full of positivity. Love them all. Thank you.

Thanks Selma,

My goal in writing these articles is to use what I have learned to help others improve their lives and to help them become more positive.

I am happy that you enjoyed my article and that you found value in it.

Thanks again,


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Really useful, Tom Kuegler! “Writing with zero expectations is a surefire way to enjoy blogging.”

I love to write, but writing with zero expectations is still a challenge. I’m still letting go of the need to be heard. Your thoughts?

The Other Person

Do you ever look into a mirror and see a stranger?
Ever think that you might be just a messenger?
Maybe even a figment of someone’s imagination?
Or maybe, just maybe, a pointless part of a constellation?
Every time I walk past a reflective surface,
I see this person who looks like a familiar face…